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The Ban will remain permanent, after reading the chat log and being warned and on top of that you were perma banned before I see no reason to lift this ban.
For all the men under my command last night, Victory! Victory at all costs! We Charged the church and destroyed the armoured beast of the german war machine and showed the world the first marine raider battalion is ready and able to at any where and any time in a moments notice to be your worst enemy! Oorah! show the world our power and let them Tremble! you are the dogs of war I unleash you devils smite them from this earth you are my space marines!
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very neat, what were you doing?
ATOMICS! yeah good movie but man what was up with those space penises? sincerely a concerned citizen.
Thank you but if you don't like how the server is run you can always play on another one. nobody forced you to deal with our ping rules.
Now, I know people may be down that we lost two realisms in one day. But I want to say yeah we mourn, we get upset and mad but don't overthink how you or me or anyone could have made a better decision or choice the matches shouldnt come down to one individual's play/death. Now if I could just say a few words that a football coash once said to a team that lost a super bowl it's an old scottish poem "Fight on my men Sir Andrews said, a little I am hurt but not yet slain. I'll just lie down a bleed a while, and then I'll rise up and fight again."
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Name:S.Garfunkel utilityfrg aliasgod Steam I.D:[U:1:1421940878] Duration of Ban: 1 Week Reasons for the Ban: Toggling wallhacks/aimbot Demo Provided?: Y Comments: Strickland said he would post his demos of what he saw but when I told him to leave spectate Garfunkle proceeded to have 8 kills in less then 2 minutes and when we switched maps the first round he got 9 kills in 2 minutes.
Just make a religion called Women's Rights. uno reverse card
people were comparing whats going on with the eugenics that the US and Nazi Germany did and saying the US stopped doing it and I just replied with an article contradicting that completely.
By December of 2020, more than forty women had come forward with written testimonies stating they received invasive and unnecessary medical procedures while under ICE’s care.[44] The attorneys handling these cases reported some of the women faced retaliation for speaking out, including deportation.[45] After speaking with their clients, attorneys discovered women had complained to ICE since 2018 regarding this misconduct, but ICE “continued a policy or custom of sending women to be mistreated and abused.”[46] https://lawblogs.uc.edu/ihrlr/2021/05/28/not-just-ice-forced-sterilization-in-the-united-states/#:~:text=Over time%2C this method of,legitimized early eugenic sterilization procedures.
Okay that might be true Martinez Eugenics is not very pretty and honestly it's one of those weird sciences that are just based purely on racism at a scientific level. I would like to add on to what you said as well yes they are in fact sterilizing detained immigration women and I just can't understand how were considering that as a bigger problem then it is now.
What gives the supreme court the right to take away a woman's right to have an abortion at the federal level? This is an egregious decision that so many americans deserve to have not only to prevent women who are rape victims the right to abort a baby, but to give a woman a second chance in life to make better decisions about their sexuality. I for one condone this act that so many americans are against and is just another blatant attempt at childish republican evangelists to detrimentally undermine women's rights in the United States. If there is one thing you can take away from this it is completely possible for this supreme court to overrule other court decisions at the federal level such as the rights for americans to hold peaceful protests, the rights for americans to be able to have guns, you get the picture. Any law can just be ignored by this supreme court and everyday they hold our freedoms and rights that we take for granted away without our voice being heard? this is insanity.
This is a firsthand account of an NKVD officer of the terrible attorcities he witnessed during his career in the gulag political prison system. This is one of the most horrific and terrible attrocities I have read made by humanity. It shows how far humanity can push itself to human slaughter and fear to keep the agenda of keeping free will into a robotic state of cattle ready to be cut and maimed in the name of keeping the 'enemies of the people' in little boxes in the Siberian Wasteland. I strongly recommend buying this book and learning about how the Soviet Union may be the worst civilizations to be put on this earth these mass executions and torture did not stop until the fall of communism in 1991 and even then they simply renamed these gulags into political prison camps. They are still around feeding on the fear of persecution and malice of disabling the human right of free will keeps the russian dictatorship going. 10/10 one of the best books I have ever read.
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I am sorry your dealing with a close loss in your life buddy, I will leave a good thought and prayer for your friend tonight.
There is an underlying tone in his actions towards the Unite States' constant unending information war against Russian Aggression against Ukraine. Putin is furious at the constant information war against his actions and his regime. I will be quite honest we should learn our lessons from Chechnya a country that had all the right to be a free country and was abandoned by the west 100% and then take a look at Ukraine. There is definitive proof that we are trying to prevent Russia from spilling over into Europe through Ukraine. Geographically it is extremely flat which would be perfect for his tank armada to roam through and invade NATO if he thought it was necessary. Do I think he is going to go beyond Ukraine? no I do not think he will, but his rhetoric towards the west has not made me feel good about that assumption. Furthermore there is still the hope that peace can be made, but again after reading deeply into the history of Russia, Ukraine, Chechnya, and Georgia there is always a constant...Russia. Russia considers all of these nations part of it's sphere of influence and now that NATO and the EU want these countries (except Chechnya) Putin feels threatened by our massive if not invincible NATO alliance right on his doorstep which makes him very nervous because for one we have a much bigger military to fight him with then Ukraine does. Ukraine has had multiple practice exercises with NATO over the past years since the beginning invasion back in 2014. The real issue is that nobody and I think even Putin understands that Nuclear weapons is absolutely the wrong choice for humanity to go down. In fact there should be a final treaty where all parties agree to end our nuclear arsenals and permanently banned across the world. The United States is the only country to have used nuclear weapons on another nations in a world war, where countires were fighting a genocidal total war type of warfare. In the modern age you cannot simply go all out like that anymore that would only escalate things into the end of humanity. Let us all hope and pray that this world, and our humanity lives on forever and we can set aside our differences and let countires like Russia, North Korea, China, and so on understand that fighting wars should not be happening anymore. What is truly awful is that Ukraine yet again has to be the country to deal with it's holocaust memorials, it's famous battlefields, and it's terrible burden of Chernobyl all on it's shoulders to protect BY ITSELF. Never let another world leader act like Hitler and permit genocidal tendencies go unchecked. China should not be getting away with the Uighur conentration camps, or the camps in Chechnya either. we are over 20 years into the 21st Century and yet we are in a time period where nation economies are on the verge of collapse, the world has survived and still dealing with a pandemic, inflation is on the rise, unrest is present in nearly every country, dictatorships and democracies alike are dealing with a lot of problems, and it should be said that global warming is causing a part of this as well. Who is to say that the world is not perfect? that should not mean we should go out quietly into the night, we need to fight harder then ever for our families and friends to be safe. We should not be threatened by one country or one man and allow him to get away from taking this country or that country and act like he won't do it again. What is there to stop Putin to keep going and attacking NATO? well for one our nuclear arsenal and secondly China have a lot of influence in not just Russia but across the world. We left our old enemies get stronger while we fought in Afganistan and Iraq for nearly 20 years. I am not condoning the actions of Putin he is truly a pariah and probably going to be the last dictator of Russia and that the Russian people rise up and change Russia which has not truly changed at all for hundreds of years where the rich control the law and anyone questioning the Tsar will be met with terrible reprisals. the fact alone that the gulags were just changed over to another name to cover the absolutely barbaric history of the Gulag system compared to the holocaust is barely talked about in schools(at least in the United States) Russia needs to finally accept the fact that the Soviet Union is long gone and getting it back would require the world to respond and never let a thing like World War 2 to happen again, we need to grow up as a species and work together to take care of our planet. I hope soon we can all be unified as one people one humanity one world together in solidarity to meet the stars and become part of something greater then ourselves and take leap forward where we can end poverty, hunger, suffering, disease, global warming, genocide, systemic racism, etc. When will we change? Peace-through-sport-banner.webp
nobody at all Cannon: DERPEN SCHLURPEN SCHLACHT!!!!
Germany Wakes up! 100 billion euros as NATO mobilizes a response force to bolster it's eastern defences for the first time in it's history! The world is responding to Russia's aggressive and erroneous assault on Ukraine claiming multiple false flag attacks on Ukraine's solidarity as a free and independent nation.
“China calls on all parties to recognize the importance of implementing the principle of indivisible security, to continue to engage in dialogue and consultation, and to seek reasonable solutions that address each other’s concerns through peaceful means on the basis of equality and mutual respect. We welcome and encourage all efforts aimed at facilitating a diplomatic solution.” The comments came after Pentagon spokesman John Kirby reiterated the US government’s position that China had given tacit approval to a Russian invasion of Ukraine. “We wonder, can it really be the Chinese policy now to support separatist movements over the sovereignty of nation states?” Kirby said, referring to China’s opposition to separatist movements within its own borders. “That’s an interest twist isn’t it?”how low can you get? < this is nucking futs
Ukranian President Zelenskyy Speech in Munich while Ukraine is being shelled by artillery.
Russian Separatists evacuation video recorded days before said evacuation. Here is the metadata to prove it.
Name: ALTEREDDEMON.TTV Steam I.D: "steam_id_64": "76561198247604582" Duration of Ban: Reasons for the Ban: racism/teamkillng. Demo Provided?: N Comments: calling people the N word argued with the admin and then proceeded to kill the admin when told to not say racist remarks to pubbers.
your sound settings can possibly have the option of having applications control your volume
Well the DEFCON went to 4, and will remain so until the crisis between Russia and Ukraine is solved or temporarily a cease fire can be agreed upon which so far has not happened since 2014. North Korea is shooting a lot of missiles conveniently around the same time this crisis is looming on the global theatre. China is also scaling up it's saber rattling rhetoric about Taiwan. Perhaps I was wrong with saying the crisis is averted way to quickly. And although this may seem bleak there is good news. Russia, France, Germany, and Belarus have all signed a non aggression pact, however this may be a ploy by Putin to give himself leverage at peace talks and could also be distracting NATO away from the potential cyber and sabotage attacks that are also being simulated by Russia on the Ukranian border. Why the sudden escalating tension? the world economy is currently heavily strained after 2 years of near constant COVID quarantine, leaving the world markets in third world countries reeling. People are worried about the current climate changes that are clearly occuring and a side effect of climate change or global warming could be classified as massive pandemics that shut the world economy to a slower growth rate, therby causing countries to do drastic actions. Like try and claim Ukraine, for instance where Ukraine's economy is one of the fastest growing in the EU.