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J. Wilson

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by J. Wilson

  1. J. Wilson


    yeah, ill get those fix, and 0-game is a web base space game, you build up your planets for resources, build fleets, etc etc, was just wondering if anyone else plays.
  2. J. Wilson


    Hey, does anyone here play O-Game? i
  3. Im happy with the island. but its up to you, not scorched please lol
  4. ill find the the people to join us iwill
  5. i mean it would be pretty cool if we could find more MRB members that play that would want to come on to the server
  6. i would be totally interested, i just want to find fellow people that just want to have a good time.
  7. Hey thanks Maj Mcdowell, i will look into changing this, it just seems like the island is the only map that this 150 max level doesnt seem to work. Do you still run a server? i would be up to join ya if that was ok. let me know ha ha ha
  8. Happy Bday buddy
  9. Hey message me on steam if you get this.

  10. If you could keep him i would have said do it. but i dont think that is good. he is such a cutie ha ha
  11. If you had one of these turner you grew up in the good years... ha ha ha, Digimon Go!
  12. Had a blast night with you all. You know chuckles we do host a lot of closed realisms in the Unit. All you need to do is enlist ha ha ha.
  13. happy Thanksgiving to the muricanos
  14. Thanks for the help rathers... but here i go. 1. amd fx 4c +8g 2.10 ghz,, 16GB or ran 64 bit windows 10. 2. not too sure what that is. 3. what settings do you want to see? 4. a few that i have no clue what they are. 5. all games are like that so far
  15. Name: J. Wilson Rank: Cpl Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure). Software Brief Description of Issue: my FPS for dods on my new laptop is 3, and my Task manager ----> process ----> shows dods using up all of my CPU. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: A. Rather Supporting Technician:
  16. Super nerds assemble ah ha ha ha ha ha <Spoken in a ron burgundy voice>
  17. how do i get this game must show you who is good
  18. Happy bday dude
  19. or it is the other way around
  20. you just became like teh sewper awwwwsome
  21. Almeida why dont you show your mug on here?
  22. thats why drinking and hair cuts/tattoos are not a good idea
  23. AH HA HA HA HA HA he will beat you to a bloody pulp and then fix ya up to beat ya up again. the circle of blood
  24. well its true. Gothe got into the drugs.
  25. your too funny Gothe
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