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J. Wilson

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by J. Wilson

  1. its not a trap. my ex wife lives in calgary
  2. Hey Mat, i will be in calgary this friday so i could stop into airdrie for a bit as i will be up there
  3. ahh yeah i know where that is. i lived in Cgy for close to 14 ish years. now i live in Lethbridge with the LT. But he doesnt want to do a coffee so he will always be knowen as the voice in my ear..... BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
  4. oh well me as well. where are you calling home? Quarterman lives in Lethbridge.
  5. Thanks matovich. Happy not thanks giving it is for you.
  6. and that is why they still taste like ass
  7. This looks awesome guys
  8. Well if you add meatballs for payment Gothe will be all over that. Just waiting for him to put up a flag and call it his own nation. Presidant Gothe of the country of Ikea
  9. Awww Come on 1st Lt. dont be like that. lets see what you look like.
  10. me at a close friends wedding. 2 super close high school friends and this sexy devil.
  11. have fun all, wish i could join ya.
  12. Name: Blood Bunny Steam I.D: U:1:48824799 Duration of Ban: 1 week Reasons for the Ban: Multiple TK after warned to stop. Demo Provided?: N Comments: CWO Barry was in server.
  13. I witnessed it as well. :-)
  14. Happy Bday
  15. AiRbOrNe BeRsErKer Name: AiRbOrNe BeRsErKer Steam I.D: U:1:59783188 Duration of Ban: Up To CS Reasons for the Ban: Intentional TK to take another players weapon. Demo Provided?: Y/N: N Comments: Gothe Was on but i do not know if he witnessed it, Player intentionally shot me in the head 2 times to take my MG 42 while i was in spawn.
  16. if you play this game and you are older then 18 you need to hand in your man card right away and take a bitch card. HA HA HA HA HA jkjk
  17. Congrats Turner. Keep it up and good luck on your adventure ahead of you.
  18. And it doesn't stop with them again I get a phone call an hour ago about a change on my rental stuff. Like good Christ I am hiring ppl next time
  19. Well as the topic stats, MOVING!!!!!! I myself hate the damn experience of moving across a city i live in, but having to move 800KM to a new city that you have never been to... that's a new stress altogether. Soo much stress going on, finding out UHAUL completely screwed your order 3 days prior to your move, can you say stress level: Infinity. My stress level reached so high that i got physically sick..... thankfully UHAUL fixed there complete fuck up and made me feel a lot better. Got 90% of my packing done, just need to do a few more things and then im ready to get going. If anyone has horror stories of moving like my in-progress horror please lets hear it.
  20. sweet deal
  21. So here i am again shooting the shit.... This post is about the new warhammer game that came out... As a vivid games workshop lover and a HUGE warhammer fan (40k) i must say that his game is great.... I have noticed alot of fellow members playing this game and I am wondering if any and all of yous wants to get like a big massive multi player campagin or battle going on? or turn it into like a tournament style of play? Lets see what people have to say.
  22. I will second this. I did ask him to stop the spam. He did not and continued until he was removed from the server.
  23. Non Murican here but we shall remember all.
  24. J. Wilson

    Dog lovers

    I know only dog owners will understand but it is such a beautiful thing when there dog is laying beside them dreaming. I say this with the fact that i have 2 mini dachshunds and my youngest he dreams along, and what prompted me to post is that he started running/twitching his paws while he lays beside me, and after everything is said and done he start a suckling it is the cutest thing ever
  25. Yar..... good on ya. and hey i will be celebrating my bday that day yay
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