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Everything posted by Harding

  1. *fart sounds from mouth*
  2. Hey all. Harding here. I know, I know. "Where the fuck have you been?!" "OMG YERRRRR" "Ugh, fuck off Harding" I'd like to tell you that the past couple of years have been sunshine and rainbows for me. Unfortunately, that was not the case. The past couple of years, more or less, have been hell. Life has been not too kind for me, and it brought me down for quite a while. But, ive finally got a stable foundation under me, and it's been steady enough for me to finally jump back onto DOD:S. Some of you have already seen me on the server, and said your kind words, and honestly, it's like i've never left. You guys have always had arms open for me, and I cannot thank you all enough. I love the BAR, I love 1st MRB, and im ready to get back into the swing of things.
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