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Hansen 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Hansen 1st MRB

  1. This is the topic for me! Local: Local to pretty much just New Jersey is the Taylor ham egg and cheese on a bagel International: I grew up with Norwegian food and the thing that was my favorite was Lefse. It is a really thin flatbread made with potatoes, flour, butter, and milk. Super easy and super delicious with butter and sugar on it .
  2. I personally would go for the SE, it’s basically the same as the 6, minus the ECG and the blood oxygen app, and it’s $120 cheaper.
  3. Tabletop Simulator is a good time, and I'd be down for a Tabletop game night.
  4. Hi Wiedenhöver, When you says it’s not letting you log in, what exactly is it saying? Also, after passing your BCT, your forums username has been updated to “Wiedenhöver 1st MRB” so you would use that instead of the username you had previously.
  5. Here is the demo: NameChangerDemo.dem
  6. I haven’t played RL in a few years, but I’d be down to redownload it and play again.
  7. I love this idea! My first and second car I don't have any pictures of, but I had a 92 Honda Civic and a 02 Toyota Corolla Now I daily drive an 02 Accord, with some "minor" repairs after an accident My dream card would be a 87 Buick Regal GNX, and I would love to find one to restore, or find one already built.
  8. I remember when I first joined back in 2015, I was extremely bad with both the Kar 98k and the M1 Garand, but the fireteam practices, and multiple realisms really helped me out with getting used to both weapons and improving on them.
  9. No problem, but let me clarify about xenon's. They can be used for gaming, but the higher end ones are the ones that can do a better job than the lower end ones, and they can cost a shiny penny
  10. What are you looking to do with your computer? If you are looking to game, you wanna go with i5/i7's, Xenons are more for rendering and server type applications Here are two links that can help clarify what you may need in terms of MoBo and CPUs http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2375540,00.asp http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/mother...guide,3900.html
  11. For some reason now its fixed so im gonna mark this as resolved
  12. Yeah and I tried the thing above and that didnt work
  13. Unity of Command is an operational-level wargame that spans the entire 1942/43 Stalingrad Campaign on the Eastern Front. Playable from both Axis and Soviet side, it recreates enormous battles of maneuver in a turn-based strategy setting. Take command in a war where logistics and poor weather are often the decider; and defeat and victory are sometimes just a mile, or a day, apart. I honestly think some people in this unit will really enjoy this type of game, even especially if you like any of the Civilization games, although it is not as complex as the civilization games. The art style is a little cartoony, but all in all it really is a fun game. I hope some of you guys pick it up because it is multiplayer
  14. Hope these help http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=8929
  15. That is the log in the picture
  16. I have a budget of $20 on steam, anyone have any suggestions on what to get? Im just sitting here and i dont know what to get
  17. Mines pretty boring, not much going on
  18. The live service for the Orinal XBox is no longer up, so I dont think Microsoft has anyway of monitoring it
  19. Why would you get in trouble? the console is 14 years old
  20. Depends on your states age of consent
  21. Well that can't happen legally and it probably won't happen so that's out of the question
  22. I just got my Commodore 64 to finally display, and any option i have right now is to code in BASIC (untill i get a floppy driver reader). Does anyone know anything on it or can point me in any direction to learn? Thanks!
  23. my fan is in the front of the case, so thats why i wasn't scared of putting it on the floor. If still, i can put a board on the bottom of it if needed. Plus you want it off the floor because the power supply fan is taking in air from the bottom of the case, and if its on the floor, thats gonna kill the power supply
  24. Ive been under a lot of stress lately and its getting to the point of possible mental break days and i dont know what to do. Anyone have some tips?
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