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Hansen 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Hansen 1st MRB

  1. Chavs... thats all im gonna say lol
  2. golfrecon on BF4, cant join many servers but I got a few
  3. Great effects and the font suits it well. 9/10
  4. I use a combination of ESet and malwarebytes. Haven't had a virus for years
  5. Congratulations Miller!
  6. im not even ranked so yeah lol
  7. Would anyone be willing to play CS:GO with me and help be get back into it?
  8. This thread makes me wanna play CSGO again, but ill be terrible
  9. Heres one that I came up with, i didnt put a case in because I feel like you should choose one depending on what you like a need. PC Build AMD FX-8350 EVGA 750W Power Supply
  10. thank you very much, was looking forever for these
  11. No there was a topic, for binds that can display your location and how much time is left without typing timeleft
  12. I couldve sworn there was a topic with a bunch of different binds you should have. Anyone know where it is?
  13. Hansen 1st MRB


    This makes me want Rust for some reason
  14. Very nice! What HUD is that? Is it INsanes? I've been looking for a good hud
  15. I couldn't tell if it was Lt. Col. Yamagata adding the file to the server, or me adding it manually, but I have the bandage sound back, thanks for the help!
  16. Thank you, sorry if I sounded impatient, I kinda forgot about it, and It says it downloads when I join the game, but I get nothing, ill try with the mp3, thanks again
  17. Has any progress been made? Im still missing the sound file
  18. I wouldnt even be able to get past the first 3 syllables...
  19. I've helped out with the realism practices everyday this week except for today, and hopefully I can do the next realism
  20. Graphic design and writing are my two worst things, if i could do either, i would.
  21. What an amazing gif omg
  22. I don't know what to do, DoD:S pub is just getting old to me, and I need some new things to do....
  23. Has anyone hear Disturbeds new album? Heres one of their new song, let me know what you think if you're a fan
  24. Nice! Have fun with it!
  25. Name: [MLG}-{Player}{TR}-︻芫══ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:8315750 Reasons for the Ban: Team killed a bunch of people then fled the server. Recommended duration of ban: 1 day Demo Provided?: Y/N N, but Cpl. S. Larson was there
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