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Hansen 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Hansen 1st MRB

  1. While playing CS2 Belcher: Murl are you drunk? Murl: No. I'm a survivor.
  2. Try downloading and using WinDirStat, it will tell you exactly whats taking up so much spce. https://windirstat.net
  3. Talking about identifying as a woman to get cheaper car insurance Small: Yeah we had that here but they banned it Pitteway: What? Woman driving? Everyone starts dying
  4. I got a lot of hot sauces. Two notable ones are Blackberry Habanero and Lemon Ghost pepper. Also got a nice bottle of Laphroaig and a Samsung Galaxy smart watch
  5. Im Andrew, 24, lives in NJ, and I have too many expensive hobbies.
  6. @Gougeon 1st MRB As regards for Solution 1, thats located in the Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > (On the right) Change Adapter Settings > Double click Ethernet > Properties > Then scroll down to the Internet Protocol Version 6
  7. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/04/new_york_city_is_lying_about_chinese_virus_death_rates.html Thats the only one that ive really found thats not total lies, but I also have some real life sources that show numbers are faked. 1. My cousin went tog o get tested in march, saw that the line at the local clinic was too long, and left. Later in the week he got a letter from the clinic saying he had covid, when he never even got tested for it. 2. My dad had a friend thjat opassed away from a heart attack, and the hospital asked the family if they could put COVID on the death certificate.
  8. Numbers from the US cant be trusted. Sure is COVID deadly for groups of people people, but hospitals are straight up lying on their case reports just so the government gives them more money.
  9. Overall vaccine mandates are nothing new, but when a restaurant says "you cant come in here because you're not vaccinated" I think thats pretty stupid. No restaurant, bar, etc. asks to see my entire immunization records, yet a disease like the flu has the possibility to kill just as many people. Unfortunately the media has portrayed this whole issue to be a political one, and I honestly don't see this changing any time soon. On the topic about the vaccines itself, I feel as they were shoved to market and approved way to quickly. Sure the argument can be made that it was rushed for the pandemic under a national emergency, but it still doesnt sit right with me that it was FDA approved within 8ish months. Also I have heard way too many horror stories from different people who have gotten Moderna and Pfizer, and ended up in critical condition or even worse, unfortunately passing away.
  10. Man I need more copper things
  11. I have been watching too much Letterkenny haha. Great show if you have hulu
  12. I have a serta big and tall office chair and it is the most comfortable chair I have ever used. Lots of support on the seat
  13. Just discovered these guys last night, they’re awesome.
  14. 1 Capt = 15 Points 3 SgtMaj = 30 points 1 Sgt = 4 Points 1 Pfc - 2 Points 51 Points
  15. I got both and I'd be down to play anytime!
  16. The true essentials. Especially the Carmex in these colder months up here
  17. Only the essentials.
  18. That is cool and now I want one!
  19. I would love to see them live! Sounds like a blast
  20. Not sure if many people consider Seether to be metal, but I do and they're also another favorite of mine, Also Breaking Benjamin is great as well
  21. Only NJ people know what this is, but Disco Fries are better than poutine
  22. A. Hansen signing up!
  23. I love killswitch. I really wanna see them live one day.
  24. My go to band. Have been listening to them forever
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