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About Nickola

  • Birthday 07/26/1999

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  1. Name: OldShysterTheBlindSniper(>+<) Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:12659730 Reasons for the Ban: blatant team kill, leaving to avoid punishment Recommended duration of ban: 1-2 days only because it was the very start of the round and he purposely punched a pubber in the back. He then proceeded to leave the server Demo Provided?: Y/N No Proof: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/file...s/?id=549491089 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/file...s/?id=549491193 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/file...s/?id=549491276
  2. Name: Iowa662 Steam I.D: u:1:57308792 / STEAM_0:0:28654396 Reasons for the Ban: massive Team kill, team wound, no intention of playing Recommended duration of ban: 6day or 1 week only for the fact that he came on just to cause havoc didn't have any intentions of playing the game correctly. He only caused trouble for our pubbers. He wasted my time and he wasted TSgt. D. Boutton's time. Demo Provided?: Y/N No <---TL:DR l Team-wound x1, Teamkill x7 Proof: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/file...s/?id=548781566 List of people who were playing while this was going on https://gyazo.com/6dcb45c550087f2da99ca5daba659ade Iowa662 team kills Horrivel https://gyazo.com/31a98f175277dda89431fd44fdf4e8a7 Iowa662 kills Dohms https://gyazo.com/d3f86e538be2e3e2477e709e5cf87202 Iowa662 kills Horrivel https://gyazo.com/b59ff2230759c93b340953b9cd278b5e Iowa662 kills IAm Dutch https://gyazo.com/05bc19ca9caf87bf8e1b873b6a9ef81d Iowa662 team wounds me https://gyazo.com/f15822e1b032f1e4636b0631cd0c56a9 Iowa662 kills Zorro https://gyazo.com/6cc5177a022935b0c7eb6787e098c20d POPY https://gyazo.com/a8dd6d0833ca68a848c802729d1fde5b Iowa kills Horrivel again Note: there were some people who Started to revenge TK Iowa662. I talked to them about how we don't accept "vigilante justice" and warned them.
  3. Name: G. Nickola Rank: Pfc. Type of issue: Software Brief Description of Issue: I need my Ventrillo rank. I wiped my computer and it erased everyone from Vent. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: SSgt. S. Woz Supporting Technician:
  4. EDIT: I fixed the solution to this problem by completely wiping my computer.. Obviously not ideal but this was getting out of hand.
  5. Name: G. Nickola Rank: Pfc Type of issue: Steam Brief Description of Issue: when i click "upload" on my steam profile once i have my picture i want chosen i get an error that says "no file received" more in-depth: https://gyazo.com/9eee8681c931d28c850ce4c75fc0abbe - here is the picture i want to upload on my desktop https://gyazo.com/44321caef9c261d0091240bb09a652a5 - here is when i choose the picture https://gyazo.com/762d95f41b32adabcb0e1c7bb66a9804 - here is the error message This message pops up when i try to upload other pictures. I tried using another device, doesn't work. here are forums posts about this problem: http://steamcommunity.com/discussions/foru...74088388858192/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/3jj..._file_received/ http://steamcommunity.com/discussions/foru...88388046298/#p2 http://steamcommunity.com/discussions/foru...74088397206330/ http://steamcommunity.com/discussions/foru...74088388858192/ ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  6. hey i was looking for active and popular servers to join and i came across this one. i just recently started playing DOD:S but im very active in video games that use the source engine. i have many hours in games such as TF2, Garry's Mod, CSGO, etc. im looking to start my adventures in day of defeat. i used to be active in many forums and servers. i enjoy the aspect of WW2 whether it comes to medals or planes i love it all. i enjoy playing war thunder and i collect ww2 patches just recently i purchased a WW2 victory medal, screaming eagles 101st airborne patch, Fourth United States Army, stamps from 1945, coins from 1945, and a lot more
  7. TL:DR i want to know how long im banned for Name: Stan Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:59616628 Date & Time of ban: 7.5.15 - 3pm Central Time Zone (UTC-06:00) Admin who banned you: n/a Reason we should Unban: i wouldn't find the servers forums to make an account and request an unban if i didnt really about being banned. I enjoy playing on your servers; even though i'm not very active with the community i do like the people on their. NOTE: i understand why i was banned. there was some guy who doesnt like me and ever since i played on this server he would always shoot me and run away. Me, since i've been management and server admin on plenty of servers i took it into my hands and killed the guy multiple times. Once he stopped shooting me i stopped shooting him. though he wouldnt stop shooting me. So i simply left the server and waited for him to leave. The next day i came back on the server without noticing the same exact guy who was killing me before was on again. This time (since i was warned yesterday to stop killing him) i decided to leave him alone and hope an admin would see him. however no admins saw him for the whole half hour he did this. and the one time(i cannot emphasize this enough) i shot back at him an admin noticed me and banned me. i don know who and i dont know how long TL:DR i want to know how long im banned for
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