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The Poose Is Loose

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  1. For anybody interested in the Jewish role in Bolshevik Russia, and ancient Khazaria, I have a copy of Solzhenitsyn's 200 Years Together. I know this thread is on the Current State of Affairs, but this is critical background for anyone who wants to further their understanding of what's going on. 200 Years Together.pdf
  2. Making the assumption that ancient ethnic-religious conflicts were settled long ago is a huge mistake.
  3. 2 of the best intelligence agencies in the world had no idea a group of destitute Arabs would make an attack on the most surveilled piece of Earth for 7 decades? Likely story. 1) Bibi gets what he wants: the greenlight to ahead and destroy Palestine once and for all. 2) This is already drawing the United States military into the conflict, and it will likely draw BRICS into as well, as they have a vested interest in destroyed Western globalism. 3) Jews in the West are the prime advocates of open-borders policies, and now, suspiciously, Hamas allegedly has terror cells firmly implanted in the United States, Canada, and the EU. It's likely we will see a false flag attack by one of these alleged cells in order to bolster war support for Israel. 4) The United States has spent billions in defense on Ukraine. Offering them munitions and ballistics of every kind, most of which has been depleted much to the detriment of the US armed forces. The Ukrainian people have lost an entire generation of their fighting-age men, and suffered significant depopulation as a result. 5) Ukraine in the middle ages and for a long period before that was called Khazaria, and it used to be a Jewish oligarchy state before Vladimir I converted the region to Christendom and demanded the conversion of Jews, most of which refused. Over the centuries they were slowly enveloped and settled with Christian Slavic peoples, losing their kingdom. 6) If the war goes south, and Israel is "glassed," the people of Israel will likely flee to Ukraine, now despoiled of its countless sons. Zelensky and top rabbis in Israel and Ukraine have both stated they have a desire to see Ukraine as a "Greater Israel," which is just a return to Khazaria. None of this is good for the West. Getting drawn into an open conflict with the other major superpowers will cripple us, obliterate our military, our economy, and likely flood us with millions and millions of immigrants further deteriorating demographic balance in the West. These people no doubt see us as the primary cause of destabilizing their ancient homelands and have nothing but emnity for us, as can be seen in their attitudes in multicultural Britain, Sweden, Germany, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Indeed what is historical "Christendom." But how does this benefit Jewry or Israel? It's pretty simple when you realize that they are not our allies, and see us, the West, as religious enemies and have so for the past 2,500 years. In fact they even have a word for it: Loxism.
  4. Hi everybody, Poose here ;O Just wondering if the 1st MRB has ever considered doing a "Casualty Count" at the end of each round played. If so, why has it not been implemented? (Curious) Personally, I think it adds another depth of realism. Get back to me on this ^.^
  5. I was banned last night at around 2:15 in the morning. I do not know why, but I have a speculations regarding it. Last night, there were 4 people on the server, 1 of which was on my team, and the other 2 on the other team. My teammate's name is Himmler, the map is avalanche, and not 2 seconds after the round starts I get an MP40 bullet to the back of the head. Himmler said sorry in the chat, and I said no worries. I respawn, where I am killed instantly again, because I kept spawning right in front of him with my back turned. He said sorry again. I managed to quickly turn after spawning and shot him in the head, so that I could actually leave the spawn area. I was instantly "yelled at" by G. Roussel who is a TSgt. I believe. I protested and told him to look at the scores, as Himmler was -5 already, and I just wanted to leave spawn. He said not to do it (either of us) and for a little while we played game. Then we died and went back to spawn. He killed me inside spawn again, and waited for me to respawn. I came back out and shot him (To leave spawn) in the head. Himmler was summarily banned after that and I was grateful and began to play the game. I played for another half hour or so and then logged off. When I try to connect to the server this morning I have a message saying that I have been banned. I do not think this is a fair banning considering I am a regular player and respect the rules. Please remove it 1st MRB. ___The Poose Is Loose___
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