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Moffat 1st MRB

Private First Class
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Everything posted by Moffat 1st MRB

  1. I`m normally for democracy, but in this case I must say Erdogan was really driving the country to the cliff
  2. Thanks for sharing :). I only find ones in the US on the web sites; are there any in Canada?
  3. Name: Ganonham Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:50130150 Reasons for the Ban: Was 0 - 16 and decided to tk me twice then left when I called him out. Recommended duration of ban: 1 day; it's the second time he plays on our server so let's just pass a message. Demo Provided?: N but 1stSgt. Cannon was there
  4. OMG I must try this Apple Cobbler! Do you use white or brown sugar? As for cigars, I really do enjoy them but my problem is that a smoking a whole one by myself is a bit too much, that's why a good alternative would be smoking a pipe, even tho it's a bit trickier. Great job to everyone, with a special mention to Candy that pieces everything together 8)
  5. UHAUL can really screw you over. Last year when I moved, I booked with UHAUL 2 months prior and 2 weeks before the date we called and they said there were no guaranty that we would have our truck, so we booked with Blue Pelican instead and had one of the best service ever. Even when we picked up the truck, we crossed a woman panicking because UHAUL called her the morning of the moving to tell her she didn't have the truck anymore, so Blue Pelican brought over a truck from 50 miles away to help her. My big scare was on the way to where I now live. Coming from the city where everything is square and flat, we moved north and took the worst possible route. On our GPS it saved us like 10 minutes, but I swear I aged a few years during that trip. We passed through very tight and curvy roads in the hills and thank god my step brother was driving because he was able to drive at the very border of the road so we wouldn't hit the cars coming the opposite way, even tho from my seat it seems we were off the road. Next time ill use the highway, it's longer but I won't put my life on the line haha. The best thing when moving is to have people with you to help out; you never know how some people they know might even save your ass. The second best thing would be to have equipment, like straps and such (a truck, when you don't get screwed over at the last minute ^^) because it can really avoid some possible injuries, so the extra bucks are worth it ;).
  6. It's by becoming a father that I truly understood mine. I feel lucky he is still alive but since he moved to Alaska 2 years ago we don't talk much, which I might regret in the long run. Happy Father's day to all, father and son alike.
  7. Bf 1942 was my favourite game of all time, but EA killed it a year ago
  8. This will be my... 11th Battlefield game >.<
  9. Looks great, but did I really see people parachute O.O?
  10. Depends what kind of salad
  11. I didn't even know you could throw up blood because of alcohol O.O
  12. Omg I was just about to make a topic about it. Thank god, finally a game from the World War period :D!!!
  13. Always a pleasure to read everyone, good job
  14. Them no scopes will never get old ^^
  15. Books are great but it's taking him so damn long to write them :(. Finished the last one years ago, but it's really worth it in the long run.
  16. Live blade looks awesome, any injuries yet :p?
  17. They should be sent away but, yet again, I think the question is the line that you want to draw. Being able to strip citizenship from people accused of terrorism is dangerous because that label can sometimes be applied wrongfully; for example I knew a guy that has been accused of terrorism for throwing a smoke bomb. As for socialism, it is in my opinion one of the best system available when it is balanced. I live in Quebec province in Canada and if we ever get sick we get treated for free so we don't get indebt for life like many in the US. I think the idea is really to give aid to the needy by democratising health and education, so even if you are born poor you can succeed. I really don't get why people are fan of neoliberalism
  18. By thinking that they must abandon their religion and that they are not ''real'' belgians, I can guaranty you that the problem is only going to get worse. Acceptance has to come from both ways, even tho they have to make more compromises in my opinion since they are the one that came to the country. At first I was really skeptical about the kids story, but after looking it up it looks real, which portrays indeed a sad and important problem, but yet again I wouldn't want to be judged by what some christians kids did in their class. It is truly dangerous to generalise all muslims based on them, the same way the whole west is getting judged by the way Americans have been acting in the middle east. The truth is that a solution must come out of this and by refusing who they are and what they beleive, it can only end in confrontation :(.
  19. I totally understand you, we have the same problem here where they try to do ''Reasonable accomodations'' in order to find a middle ground between their culture and ours and sometimes it brings the compromises a little too far. It is difficult to integrate such a large portion of the population and they are too numerous to assimilate. I guess what I am trying to say is that we can blame immigration all we want, there must be a plan for those that are already here because rejecting them and denying them financial aid will surely agravate their ghettoisation/poverty/criminality, which brings up a breeding ground of radicalisation for a youth that surely will try to build themselves an identity. Pushing nationalism while scapegoating a religious minority hasn't fared well in history :p. Don't be sorry to talk about it, it's an emotional subject and too many people think it's taboo to talk about.
  20. Looking up the demographics I can see that about 13% of your population were born outside Belgium which surely surpasses the rate at which a population can get integrated, espacially in a fractured country like Belgium. Coming from a country formed by immigration (Canada), it's hard for me to conceive completely blocking immigration, especially in a context where we don't make enough babies but expect our working force to grow. It's all about how you balance the rate of immigration with the ability to integrate them. Integration sure is hard with a fractured identity, but it is important to mention that most muslisms aren't like the ones that radicalized and will take, in a way or another, part of what ''Belgium'' becomes, so better off including them than rejecting them
  21. I think generalisations are dangerous and often based on misconceptions. There is a known link between poverty and criminality, therefore it is normal to see higher crime rates in area where new/2nd generation immigrants live. If we stigmatize Muslims further there will be a chance that more of them radicalizes as it would support what ISIL is telling the young recruits. I believe the key is better integration and measures against poverty.
  22. Looks great! Can't wait to see it :D. Let's just hope they won't reveil too much in the next trailers
  23. Whoa great job everyone, have a good read
  24. The question is how far are people willing to go to ''guaranty'' their security. I'm not sure sacrificing privacy and right to an extreme (like the US did) is the best option on the long run. A different foreign policy regarding the Middle East might help; not sure toppling regimes and bombing cities is what stabilises the region the most. We might not like dictatorship in that region, but it's far better than the monster we created :p.
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