Name: D. Moffat
Rank: Pvt.
Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure)
Brief Description of Issue:
After configuring my account and server informations for Ventrilo on my cellphone using the application ''Ventriloid'', I connected to the 1st MRB server and got banned after few seconds. I wondered if it was because I didn't remember my password well so I tried to connect to the server on my computer and found out I was also banned on it. The only explanation I came up with is that the server banned me because of a bad password and, since I was on my wifi, it banned my IP therefore I cannot connect with my main computer.
Could you help me out?
Private David Moffat
***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line***
Current Status: Resolved
Pending Reply
Main Technician:
Supporting Technician:J. Candy