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  1. Thanks guys. See you on the battlefield ;). pwnzer
  2. Name: pwnzer SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47919 Reason: Wallhack Banned By Admin: Larson Duration: Perm Demo Provided: ? Just to add, on my previous account of STEAM I have 500+ hours played on DOD:S. Currently I am locked out of it because lost access to my email and steamguard wont let me reset my privileges, so I had to use my oldest possible account which I mainly used for gaming in CS 1.6. Thanks
  3. Hi Guys ! I am a regular player here, and i was just banned my Larson for using "wallhack" apparently.. Just to say I dont cheat neither have cheated and will never will. Have a good day. pwnzer
  4. needs demo, though
  5. sure sure... how do you know i cheat (i never done such a thing in my life), if you dont know what a good player is?
  6. Since I cannot reply to the topic below, i just want to confirm that I am not a cheat and its hilarious to think that I am using aimbot !
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