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Everything posted by SirCupCakee

  1. Name: Sir CupCake | Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:26323240 Date & Time of ban: I Don't remember, it make at least 2 years i guess. Admin who banned you: Sorry, i don't remember. Reason we should Unban: It was christmas when my cousin came to my home. I let him play for a while guessing that he would play it normally while i was studying, and it didn't happened. I guess he team killed a lot of players and that's why i was banned. At that moment i didn't care about because my school classes would start soon and i couldn't confound myself with games. Today (in my vacations) i just looked at the server and tried to join when i came across with the ban message. That's why i'm requesting you to be unbanned, to keep playing with you guys since you're very receptive people and players. I appreciate your time reading and analyzing this request. Victor Lago (Sir CupCake |)
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