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Yuri I. Revenski

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About Yuri I. Revenski

  • Birthday 06/19/2001

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  • Location
    Germantown, MD

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  • Weapon of Choice
    Karbiner 98k Sniper Rifle

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Yuri I. Revenski's Achievements

Forum Newbie

Forum Newbie (1/91)



  1. Great news letter! Nice to learn about things (especially the cooking things) aswell! Good luck on the next match against 3te PGD guys, hopefully you win
  2. Hello! I am Yuri I. Revenski, although more people would know me as Taki'Asha since that is my steam name. I got back into DoD:S since I saw a friend playing it a lot (who happened to be the same person who showed me this nice community/server) and I bought the game on my new account as the last time I played it, it wasn't even on the account I used to share... Its nice seeing non-abusive staff and relatively nice and fun people playing, and theres actually a map rotation + limited classes, which is nice compared to some pubs I've played where you could literally have 8 MGs without a limit... Although it looks like it hosts pretty fun and cool competitive events, sadly I do not meet the age requisite (16 years of age, not 14) + I do not have enough time to play such things right now, so maybe in the future... I prefer playing as the wehrmacht sniper, MG and assault most of the time, providing support where ever I can (Or messing around with the MG-42, holding corners without even using the bipod) I hope to see and/or face you guys in game, whether on my team, thru my scope, or next to my blood stained '42. *Salutes* - Yuri/Yasu Itsuki Revenski
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