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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Yamagata 1st MRB last won the day on April 4 2024

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    Colt .45 1911

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Community Answers

  1. If you don't have any restore points, you're going to have a real tough time fixing things... Windows is supposed to create a restore point before beginning major updates, but if it was a minor one that just so happened to fail catastrophically, it's rare, but coming back from it (if at all) is going to be rough. The simplest thing to do would be to try the Repair option in the troubleshooting section, you have a 1 in 5 chance it fixes something, but it's worth a try. The next simplest step would be to Reset Windows in the same section, just note that this will uninstall all apps and programs and he will need to re-install everything (be sure to have product keys and licences available), this lets you "keep files" so you keep all personal data. If you want to get more technical, you can try a portable OS, like Mini-WindowsXP, Linux, or Windows-to-Go and attempt some file system repairs, or at least grab a backup of any files that are still on the drive. If you can get a command prompt up, a simple chkdsk /f /r might help, but you really need to verify your windows files, so SFC and DISM repairs are your windows tools-of-choice. It seems to be booting into something Windows, so you probably don't need to fix your MBR, but that's another option you have. This is all definitely more involved and you'll need to do some google research on how to get that done, unless you can get one of these fine MSO Technicians to help you out! Good luck buddy!
  2. I just wanted to wish you all a happy anniversary on the day this unit was formed. So many great memories and friendships were forged in this unit, and I would like to thank each and every one of you for the role you've played in making this the best DoD:S Realism Unit I've ever been a part of! A huge salute to the staff for keeping things running smoothly and another salute to the past, current, and future members for keeping the unit alive. Here's to another fantastic year for the 1st Marine Raider Battalion! *Salute*
  3. You're good bud, someone from the recruitment office should reply soon! I know the policy for re-enlisting after resigning was that you automatically drop two ranks from the rank you resigned at, plus another rank for each month after. It's up to the enlistment office to determine if you need a BCT refresher, they will almost always require a refresher if it's been more than a year.
  4. Could be, the pub has had some odd issues for years. However, if it was solely a server glitch, we'd have more people reporting the same issue. You could have an admin with FTP take a look, make sure that there's a good copy of the sound files installed, as well as a good zipped version in the fast downloads server... If only there was a way to verify the game files on the server like you can in Steam
  5. The first four pages confused me with the repetition, but the rest of the newsletter was a fantastic read as always!
  6. I found our old topic about the steadycam error, they referred to this forum: https://www.edge-gamers.com/forums/showthread.php?229158-Error-reading-weapon-data-file-for-weapon_ifm_steadycam There are mentions of it being a leftover code from the DoD:S beta and to ignore it, and the way they talk about the error makes it seem like it's an inconvenience and not a game breaker. My guess is that the "BlockingGetDataPointer: Async I/O Force..." error is your culprit. That 2 second delay is definitely going to cause some visible FPS loss. I'm assuming you've already tried verifying your game files... I'd be interested in seeing if getting a physical copy of the file into the right place in your dods folder helps anything. Plus, if verifying your game files hasn't fixed it, I doubt a re-install would help much.
  7. Hmm, I think it was determined that the steadycam error was related to Video Drivers, might be worth looking for driver updates. Have you noticed when exactly you experience these lag spikes? If what I found before is true, it might be an unoptimized custom map... But if you're getting those errors on maps like Donner or something, then there is a bigger issue. I wonder if someone has that wood_creak1.wav available for download, it might need to be put on the FastDL server to speed up the server-to-client communication. The odd thing is, you should be getting all the necessary files as soon as the server initiates a map change or when you connect. Ultimately, there is an issue between you and the server caching sounds, which is causing your lag. Any ideas, Medical Supply Staff?
  8. I wonder if the bloodmod fix would solve your blood errors... Although, I've never heard of that causing lag spikes. http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/forums/topic/317-bloodmod-fix Then, it looks like the bandage mod might need the MP3 to be re-uploaded to the server (and fast DL server)... Maybe. Or you need to re-download it yourself: http://1stmarineraiderbattalion.clanservers.com/dod/sound/ Lastly, Google says that your lag is most likely coming from the "BlockingGetDataPointer: Async I/O Force..." errors. The "2047.31 msec / 2170.41 msec total" is basically saying you are waiting 2.1 seconds for sounds to clear the cache, which can cause some FPS loss as your game tries to catch up. There are a couple of culprits, custom maps for one that have their own sound packs need to be re-optimized ever since a OrangeBox update in 2016 (not something the admins can fix, just have to keep an eye out for newer versions of these maps). There are a few things to try here, we have the sound cache fix: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/forums/topic/33967-resolved-server-issues Then I've seen a few people recommend typing async_mode 1 into console, no clue what that does, but if it fixes things, might be worth adding to your autoconfig file? Another culprit might be custom sound mods that you've installed, if you have any, and those would fall under the same "out-of-dated-ness" as the sounds from custom maps. Which could be resolved by disabling those mods or finding updated versions of them. I hope something there helps, I was feeling tech supporty today. [edited] Not sure why the linked topics were being weird...
  9. Well, even if you don't want it, you can add it to your Humble Bundle library and give it to someone who might! It doesn't look like a steam key, but who knows?
  10. They have their own section of the forums: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/forums/forum/70-ßäя-headquarters/
  11. Before I retired, I had been planning to nuke the server and re-install everything since that seemed to be the only way to fix the demo issue as far as I was able to research. I was just unable to set aside the time to back up everything and do so. As far as I know, a complete re-install of the server is the only way to go for this demo issue. Even the Gameservers support recommended either reinstalling the server or moving to a different server box.
  12. Try binding 0 to slot 10 bind "0" "slot10"
  13. Happy to see people playing D&D, have fun folks! Also, 7 players so far? Hoo boy, you've got your work cut out for you, DM!
  14. Tombstone has to be my favorite. Here's a few goodies that haven't been listed yet that I think are awesome: 3:10 to Yuma http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0381849/ Unforgiven http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105695/ My Name Is Nobody http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070215/ I think Django Unchained is considered a Western... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1853728/ I watched a bunch of John Wayne movies with my grandmother when I was little, but I could not tell you which ones, I don't even remember if I liked them
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