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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Holy Crap, there are too many people replying to this topic. 1) I don't know what happened or what was said, but hacking with malicious intent is not only immoral and we don't condone it's use by any of our members (Recruits included). I'm glad to hear that you are not the sort of person that will hack websites, but you should not glorify or agree on the principals of it publicly with our tags on. You may not have the intent, but as you can see, it gets people riled up when they hear about it. 2) The admins were doing their job when they banned you, we are required to ban any sort of hackers. Websites, games, computers. It's not our fault that you were taken out of context, do not blame our admins for doing what they are supposed to do. 3) Don't insult our unit when you have a falling out with one of our members, that will get you nowhere in this issue. If you think you were wronged, it helps to have the leaders on your side rather than against you because you decided to run your mouth on the lack morality and leadership of the unit. The 1st Lieutenant has hit it right on the nail, any more discussion can be made through PMs.
  2. Thanks for reporting this, but a demo is required to ban people for hacking. Unless an admin catches him in the act and it's fairly obvious that he is indeed hacking, we won't be able to help you out until a decent demo is provided. It's not that we don't trust you, it just that when we ban someone for hacking we would like to have proof in case the hacker comes to our forums and whines about being banned. Please read our policy on banning hackers.
  3. Only you could make a credit card/debit card customer service call hilarious.
  4. It looks as though this has been handled, perma ban.
  5. Nope, none, never. Unless I join the military and get really motivated. Or drunk.
  6. roflmao
  7. Speaking of, here was the funniest one I've seen in a while. Also with a scared gay guy.
  8. Who hires a 30 year old fat gay guy to watch their kid?
  9. Test failed for using Tim and Eric.
  10. Call me lame, but I liked it.
  11. Awesomesauce.
  12. It's time to go back... to the future.
  13. Grats on another year of living.
  14. Don't know if this has been posted already, but it's still funny as fuck.
  15. I had the problem once, then it went away... idk why. It was gone before I could find out what the problem was. Might something to do with either your internet connection or with your sound card.
  16. Super_Mario_Brothers_Original.mp3 Just in case anyone wants it... the whole Super Mario Bros score.
  17. Hahaha, that was good McKenzie.
  18. Might be one of your graphics settings.
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