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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Yeah, that made absolutely no sense....
  2. He reminds me of my Mac tard friend, who also refuses to use Steam because he's a Mac fag... It's a good thing his Mac crashed, it's what he deserves for not reading the system requirements.
  3. Just banned him, permanently.
  4. Who needs facebook open all the time?
  5. Got to see fireworks in Petaluma, CA. They lit off fireworks for over 3 hours! They even had a "grand halftime," I swear they probably had enough explosives to blow up a tank... Had a good time, no alcohol, but still fun.
  6. How do people keep falling for that trick?
  7. I loved the cartoons, best American Anime, if I had to judge. Even if the movie sucks, I'm still going to see it.
  8. That looks pretty fuckin awesome, too bad it's $50... I'm tired of spending money.
  9. Good for them...
  10. 23 bear shaman Beaufighter, I've already forgotten what else I had.... none over 20.
  11. I have neither, YAY!
  12. S/Sgt. Fitzsimmons Hyuk Hyuk Hyuk. That means I was 1st Lt. of the 6th at the time.
  13. Welcome to our forums, soldier, didn't quite catch a name or rank there. Anyways, thanks for stopping by, either Major Parker, myself or one of our public affairs staff will be in contact with you soon. Hope to see you in the battlefield. *Salute*
  14. Ehh... This has been a touchy issue for as long as I can remember. The point of the pub server is to gain recruits and to relax a bit from the realisms. Without "alltalk" these ideas become a little difficult. However, I don't think that it would be too much of a hassle to allow admins to turn alltalk off every once in a full pub. Admins do have the ability to throw up a vote on alltalk, and I would prefer admins ask the players before putting up the vote and especially before making the switch. Also, I'd also suggest that if alltalk does go off, that it does not last longer than a single map duration. Do not piss off the pubbers, if someone says they would rather keep alltalk on, make your descision carefully. If the pub drops below say 22~26, you might want to think about turning it back on or switching to another map. Same thing goes for admins leaving the server, do not leave the pub without an admin before turning alltalk back on. This does come down to Maj. Parker's final call, but I would appreciate it if alltalk does not get turned off on a normal basis. I don't want to hear that the pub is losing players because alltalk got turned off.
  15. Highway To Hell - AC/DC
  16. I agree
  17. Well, if Korea Air and Blizzard can get together and skin planes, think of what would happen if Microsoft and Boeing teamed up.
  18. Yeah, Zimmer did Pirates of the Caribbean, Gladiator, and all that cool stuff. If you guys have seen The Illusionist, Phillip Glass is pretty badass too.
  19. It was Zeus.
  20. I think it's a normal thing... Don't scare black people.
  21. It's about damn time...
  22. I'll repeat what I posted in the other topic about this: Everyone should verify their personal email with steam through the settings. It sends an email whenever something changes with your account. (Password/email/etc.) Even if you know you are too smart to be hacked, I suggest doing this just in case.
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