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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. You had to post that 4 times?!
  2. I'm afraid to click on that.... I know it's youtube, but I also know it's Zahl's discovery.
  3. Sounds like their adding the "addiction" gene to the game. Not only does it sound fun, it sounds like we're going to be playing this to no end.
  4. Well, I live just across the lake from Seattle, in Bellevue, but it's still the same area.
  5. He's too old for this.
  6. Apparently Obama wants to bring them the right to eat da poo poo?
  7. Did we get the Starship Troopers movies?
  8. Happy Birthday Swartz Bros.
  9. I see what they did there...
  10. It's all the little traditions that are supposed to keep the President in the people's favor. What if Obama decided to kill and eat the turkey that he was supposed to pardon on Thanksgiving. First of all, I think that would be funny as hell, but there would still be an uproar from the people, peta and animal rights activists come to mind. In this case, nobody would have said anything if he had just gone to Arlington. I'm sure he meant to do right by going to the veteran's cemetery in Illinois, but why break tradition? It makes no sense why he can't just go to Arlington, lay the wreath then go Illinois. Everyone cares about what the President does, because he is the leader of our country, he needs to make more of an effort than the regular politician. As for the other Presidents that failed to go to Arlington, I'm sure there was a similar response from the people as well.
  11. Today I shook the hand of Art Unruh, a man that flew 50 missions in a B-17 (six times as the tail gunner) during WWII. I am always thankful to our troops and thankful for the sacrifice of those that gave their lives for our country.
  12. Memorial Day Event, Flying Heritage Collection (Everett, WA) Jagdpanzer 38 "Hetzer" Soviet T-34 SdKfz 2 Kleines Kettenkraftrad HK 101 "Kettenkrad" 8.8 cm FlaK 18 8.8 cm FlaK 37's
  13. He was here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68whU97h_7w Karma is a bitch.
  14. Done, no need for a demo. Thanks though.
  15. Server is back up.
  16. 'appy 'irthday!
  17. Wait, you're talking about the new Alvin and the Chipmunks, aren't you?
  18. That's the great Ross Bagdasarian (aka David Seville), not quite the chipmunks. But yeah, still an annoying voice...
  19. Looks like someone has already banned them for 1 week. I've extended it to 1 month.
  20. Ah the mighty boosh... what freaks.
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