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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. No Way, Engle is 22? Happy Birthday Man!
  2. Happy Birthday Skip!
  3. Done. Make sure you follow the new ban request format.
  4. COH (86) Dota (94)
  5. Your profile says May 20th, is that right? Well, happy birthday anyways.
  6. The best part is the fact that they all just sit there until he says he's bleeding.
  7. COH (74) Bad Company (4) Dota (102)
  8. Birthday Happy!
  9. Looks like that ID is already perma-banned.
  10. COH (67) Bad Company (14) Dota (99)
  11. Did you laugh like this?
  12. They found a good actor for the french guy, looks just like the guy in the movie.
  13. Moved: Please follow the forum rules. http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=1445
  14. Unbanned. However, "Talked to Parker" is not an excuse or a reason to be unbanned. For future reference, to get a quicker response you may want to add what happened and what was actually discussed with the Major. For all I know, you could have talked to Parker and he could have said "no way." I do not appreciate having to chase down the information regarding your ban. I am not the one that wants to be unbanned, you are. That means you have to give the required information and you have to do the work. Nobody in the MP office should have to fill out your form for you.
  15. Ramble On - Led Zeppelin
  16. I want to see this movie now
  17. The steam ID posted (0:029187994) is in fact not on our banlist, however we do have a STEAM_0:0:29187994 which is exactly the same except for the missing colon. I have unbanned this ID, please check to see if you are still banned from our servers. For future reference, please post the exact steam ID exactly the way it shows when you type 'status' in-game.
  18. Hahaha, I still have no clue why they freak out like that, it's really fucking weird.
  19. Note the change in the Ban Request form. It didn't make sense to put your name in the ban request title, so instead put the name of the player that would be receiving the ban. This makes for finding banned player's topics quicker.
  20. I use an Axe stick as deodorant because the sprays are extremely potent in my opinion. I don't wear cologne per say but for some reason whatever the hell my hand sanitizer has in it smells like cologne so I smell like that mostly.
  21. Happy birthday!
  22. Right, this was in the wrong place and posted incorrectly, try again. Topic Closed.
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