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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Gotta love Mediocre Films.
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. Welcome back, how'd it go?
  4. Sorley did a report on him for one of his classes. That Sheriff knows exactly what he's doing and I think all states need to start taking notes.
  5. Make sure you have the quotation marks in the right place... not quite sure what else the problem could be.
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. Heh, thanks for the update though, I know people are always looking for it.
  8. It kinda sounded like the school had planned a Mexican-American appreciation sort of thing and I'm kind of getting the feeling that these kids were troublemakers and intended to cause something by wearing the shirts. Sure that doesn't exactly permit the school to tell them to flip their shirts or send them home, there's always going to be kids like that. However, if they wore their shirts just because they want to, not intending to start a problem, then more power to them.
  9. The time has been changed to 10 pm EST. The original post and unit calendar has been fixed.
  10. Too many quotation marks and there is no underscore unless you are doing say_team. Here's how it should look: bind j "say Want to learn how to use napalm to make a serious BBQ then join the 1st today @ www.1stmarineraiders.com"
  11. How do you mean? It looks like this for me:
  12. I've been having similar problems, it might be server side issues.
  13. I'm sure the LA Clippers got this one.
  14. Sorry folks, we need a decent demo to take that kind of action. We want to take your word for it and I'm sure admins will keep an eye on it, but as the 1st LT. said, we need long demos. It's hard to make an educated decision with just a couple of rounds worth of evidence, I think that a couple of map changes worth would be ideal for making a case.
  15. Blackwood "What are you playing, Parker?" Me "Hello Kitty Island Adventure 6" Weatherdon "Kitties?" Blackwood "No really, what are you playing, Parker? Parker "I'm playing Interracial Hole Stretchers V" Weatherdon "With Kitties?"
  16. You guys can thank the late nighters for this one.
  17. "Who's Penis?" - Freed
  18. Happy Birthday, Marine!
  19. Happy Birthday
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. I was actually thinking Pandora's Box, but hey... free music!
  22. Usually griefers like that will see that they are banned and move on to another server to grief. We don't usually Permanently Ban players unless they are hacking or causing serious problems. The greatest thing about our server in not just that we have so many capable admins, we also have a forum behind it, idiots get banned almost indefinitely. Sure it's a little more work to avoid permabans, but we have the manpower to handle it.
  23. Holy Crap, stop quoting it!
  24. Here's some of mine: ^^^My first staff position in the 6th^^^ ??????
  25. Very cool.
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