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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Is that one of the Harry Potter ones? Hahaha
  2. Brandenbug Concerto No. 3 in G major-Allegro - Johann Sebastian Bach (Most difficult song I've ever had to play)
  3. Yep, Juicy Pear.
  4. Children Of The Grave - Black Sabbath
  5. "That's why I want to join the National Guard, so I can shoot protesters too."
  6. ATTACK OF THE ZOMBIE TOPIC! I like Turtles (I suffered, so must you!)
  7. Congrats Ford, you are Unit Badass of January '10!
  8. Ok...
  9. Hahahaha, arguments about hockey are funny...
  10. I know... What's their deal? "We sucked last season, so now we are going to really suck this season." Fucking Hawks need to step it up.
  11. Wow, New Years baby? Happy Birthday Smithers!
  12. Happy New Years to you too, Ford...
  13. I'm not going to tell my internet security to people online, but Norton is a great program, not to mention the three additional programs that protect different aspects of my computer.
  14. Pfft... Like I know what to look for to base my vote on, but as an American, I'll vote for team USA.
  15. Unit Badass of the Month Vote for your choice! Voting ends January 3rd, 2010.
  16. Rgr, Wilco. Permanent ban approved.
  17. Roger, Wilco.
  18. Star Wars Marathon? (Does not have to include episodes 1-3)
  19. Not to go off topic, but I saw "Ban request :: C. Marsden" three times and I thought three people wanted Marsden banned... hahaha.
  20. Yeah, I really liked Avatar... Story was kind of predictable as you watched, but who cares. I can't wait to see Sherlock Holmes.
  21. Hahaha, Zahl... I'm already #1 just because.
  22. I'm still very disappointed in my Seahawks... WTF!
  23. That sounds epic.
  24. I had the GeForce 9800M GT until it broke... I was trying to get them to upgrade me, but the tech said he doesn't do that from his side.
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