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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Springfield Armory Model 1898 "Krag" Rifle, Arisaka Type 99 Rifle. 4 Gigs of laptop memory, and a huge laptop cooler pad (good timing, my laptop is out of commission until Feb.) An Ipod dock stereo, a few gift cards and some other gimmicky things that is more of the "inside joke" kind stuff... Like German motorcycle goggles, terracotta soldier, etc.
  2. Why would you waste a beer like that? And I think he'd be just a little pissed, just guessing though.
  3. Merry Christmas, Captain!
  4. That's a big negative, bub.
  5. Heh, BONK! Right off those guys.
  6. Happy Birthday! Yesterday....
  7. Research Paper, huh? Wait until you have Thesis Papers... Shortest one I've ever had to do was 15 pages w/annotated bibliography, and my longest was 35 pages w/annotated bibliography and appendix.
  8. Hey...
  9. Hahaha, I was obsessed with Pokemon when I was in Elementary and Middle School. My favorite was Dragonite. I kind of lost interest during the Johto League...
  10. Hahaha, rock on little man.
  11. They look great, Recruit. I'm also a little curious to know where you get the art. Do you just google images and stock up on useful images? (That's what I do) Or do you have a website that you use?
  12. I read that as "Happy Birthday DoD" Haha! Well, Happy Birthday to that one guy...
  13. Ok, I will not watch it.
  14. Try to keep videos and such to the Slope Chute, thanks.
  15. hAPPY bIRTHDAY. (Fucking Caps Lock)
  16. This doesn't exactly sound like an essay, sounds more like a prose.
  17. First, try restarting Steam. (Steam looks like it is down at the moment, so maybe wait until it is back up) Second, try restarting your computer. Third, open a ticket on the steam support website, including any proof of purchase. (If you bought it through steam, and you know the credit card number, only tell them the last 4 digits and the expiry date.) If none of that works, have a mental breakdown and take a sledge hammer to your computer.
  18. What the fuck Engle, just skip over my wish then, bastard. McDowell, you don't have to go to work, but now you have no income. I wish there was better food in my house for me to eat.
  19. It's great that we have another photoshop savvy member. We do need some more in the Quartermaster's office. However, if you're going to be making signatures and such, I'll need you to refer to the Forum Image Restrictions in advance... (Here) Signatures can be no taller than 150 pixels, so Smither's new sig will need to be resized.
  20. Lucky # Slevin
  21. Does it really need 4 "B's" in the title? lol
  22. Thanks folks, updated. Cannot find a few of the requests, sorry. Mostly disappointed about not finding any Steel Panther, they're fucking awesome. Nevermind, found some!
  23. Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana
  24. Wait... you want a lateral lisp?
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