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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. I'm so glad this is international news...
  2. Fortunately, we did not unban this guy (that I know of). I don't know why he wouldn't be able to view the forums, but if he really wants to be unbanned, I'm sure he can figure out a way to get on our forums and make his own case. Thanks for the help Warren.
  3. Winner is the Unit Badass. Maybe I'll set it as their forum title.
  4. Haha, agreed. This is too much for me to spend on a single player game...
  5. Meh, I always have fun on Christmas, my brother is 11 so he still believes in Santa Claus meaning it's still very much exciting for him too, and that's the best part. And there's nothing you Scrooges can do to to fuck up my holidays. As for the Victoria Secret show, I missed it, too bad, but not really.
  6. This argument will go nowhere... Have you ever heard the phrase "It's like comparing dogs to cats?" Yeah, that exists because there are almost no similarities... So, just agree to disagree and drop it... I don't mind that you like dogs more than cats, I do mind knocking cats for not being dogs, that's just retarded. Cats are badass in their own way. And by the way, my cat fucked up this nasty pit-bull on our property, and brought me it's eye as a "gift." This dog was a menace to the neighborhood and always attacked my Lab and other people's pets, not to mention terrified my little brother, so he had it coming. The owners were a little pissed, but that's what they get for letting their dog run loose.
  7. And a half.
  8. Super Troopers Master and Commander
  9. There's a quick fix for this...
  10. Meh, I had a cat and a Dog almost all of my life... They both have their faults, and they both have their loving attributes. Personally, I love my cat and my dog. I like to walk my dog, but I like the affection of my cat too. I could play with them both for hours. Both make great pets, they are just very different.
  11. You're signature is too big, Liv, please change it or I'll remove it. 150 pixel height max on images. (Especially .gif's)
  12. Awesome, I've been needing a change of scenery.
  13. He's not on the list guys... sheesh.
  14. Even though we just lost the Holy War 23-26, go Utah!
  15. These are always hilarious, post some of your favorites. I don't want to take them all, so I'll let you guys do some and I'll post more as they come to mind.
  16. Are You Gonna Be My Girl - Jet
  17. Choose now!
  18. *Bump* I need more people!
  19. You're lucky this is the Slope Chute, Warren, because that has disrespect all over it. I'm going to go ahead and say drop that kind of "playful" shit talking now, first warning. I'll take the fact that you felt the need to have an afterthought in parenthesis as a way of you knowing how inappropriate that was.
  20. Apparently some Canadians think they're European... Which countries are in North America again?
  21. Holy Crap, I'm full...
  22. There's no Canada like French Canada!
  23. "You must be logged in to view this page."
  24. Ninja Split! Pya-Pow!
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