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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Awesome. Reminds me of this violin video.
  2. I want to try it... but I'm afraid to spend $45 on a game I might not like.
  3. I think I'm going to win the super bowl.
  4. Do you know what the issue was?
  5. Hey, it's a song about space, and I swear those are fucking dildos...
  6. This is such a weird website.... Dildos? Oh and just because it freaked me out: http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/ptikobj
  7. I don't really like the Regular Pepsi or Coke Colas, however, I like Pepsi Twist and Vanilla Coke more, but I like Cherry Coke better than Cherry Pepsi. Dr. Pepper is my favorite, Mt. Dew is #2 favorite... But I have to want them to drink them, I don't like Dr. Pepper everyday, so Mountain Dew is a good alternative. Oh, and Root Beer takes the cake on all sodas.
  8. Sexy...
  9. Ummm.... The part where the horse plays the piano made me crack up.
  10. <Moved> Please refrain from spam in the Mess Hall.
  11. HAHA, I just saw that episode tonight.
  12. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (30 exclamation points =P)
  13. Roger that, I've got an LOA up for you for 30 days, just let me know when you're back 100%
  14. That sucks... Just let us know if you need an LOA or not soon.
  15. Thanks for the greetings Corporal. Good to hear from the 5th RB again. I'm sure our Public Relations Officer, 2nd Lt. Ford, will be in touch for any realism info or for any general issues and questions.
  16. The Mormons own the Coca-Cola company, kind of funny is you ask me.
  17. Wow, is it really that bad that Limbaugh spends his money on NFL?
  18. Are all your setting turned down? Audio settings? Are you always using the "-dev" tag? Sometimes that's an issue.
  19. He makes it look so easy... That game pissed me off as a kid.
  20. Sweet dog, reminds me of the dog from Frasier. Haha
  21. Beautiful Labs, McCarthy. Here's my Jack: A long hot day at the ocean.
  22. I'm thankful for Canadians... eh?
  23. Not sure yet... It's so damn expensive.
  24. I've always wondered how modern music would sound in the amazing acoustics of a church. Still, I must admit, it was pretty ingenious.
  25. Neat, looks like it'll be kinda lame, but I'll still watch it. For the off chance that it will be total badassness.
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