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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Thanks Parker!
  2. Agreed, that is my favorite part.
  3. Wow, I'm sort of relieved that photobucket deleted the picture, whatever it was...
  4. If you don't believe me, listen to my head mouth.
  5. Well, I'm sold.
  6. The A-Team (9) 62 Truck crew (Rescue Me) (20) Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil Earp with Doc Holliday (Tombstone) (31)
  7. Welcome Back Myers! Hope to see you back soon, it might be a little confusing to have two guys named Myers, but we can handle two Swartz's, should be fine. Anyways, good to hear from you again. I hope your AIT goes well.
  8. WTF...
  9. Yeah, this is not a problem at all... You should never bother another unit's Captain about things like that. If you think there is a problem, follow our chain of command (NCO> SNCO> Officer) to figure out a course of action. It would not be up to a private to deal with any issues with another unit. It is good that you posted here before taking action yourself. There are going to be a lot of similar units with similar avatars. This doesn't mean they're copying anyone but the unit they represent. In this case the Marine Raider Battalions are all in the same Regiment, meaning they are going to hold some similarity because they actually do in the real military.
  10. That was lame...
  11. Happy Birthday, you old fuck, you!
  12. The House one is only slightly creepy...
  13. Getting back to the point, using the paypal account is secure. The money that is donated will go towards bettering the unit and the servers and nothing else.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6cS31f03h8
  15. Stop Hacking...
  16. That kid loves his bacon, where the hell was he going though.... I want to weave bacon!
  17. Please no more random videos in the Mess Hall, we have a Slope Chute for that. It really is just turning into spam. Please stay on topic, spamming will be punished. If you don't have anything useful to add, don't post. All non-unit related videos from now on will be moved to the Slope Chute.
  18. Violin, played for 10 years, but stopped when I started college. I guess I could say I played Extreme Frisbee. But I really didn't need any sports, I took weight training so I got my exercise enough.
  19. Ren & Stimpy Rosco's Modern Life Rugrats Arthur Pokemon Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Batman (live action) Batman (cartoon) Beetleborgs Animaniacs Historia Looney Toons Darkwing Duck Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
  20. Hahaha, don't mess with the golfers! They really fucked up that store.
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