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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Hmm, that would be up to 2ndLt. Ford, he is the one that made it so I can't see how it would be "your" map...
  2. WTF Engle... why would you search for these pictures?
  3. They have some of the best commercials
  4. Is that a hat or a wig?
  5. They look so awkward trying to break the stuff while looking at the camera.
  6. Both look pretty awesome.
  7. The A-Team (8) 62 Truck crew (Rescue Me) (21) Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil Earp with Doc Holliday (Tombstone) (31)
  8. I'm the one with the cup, blue shirt and white shorts.
  9. Nice Le, I took the pic on my desktop too!
  10. Yeah, apparently this is supposed to be their apology for Empire. It may not be an expansion though, is what I heard.
  11. I voted Corona... I like almost all beers, but hell, you gotta love that Corona and Lime! I'll drink that anytime!
  12. Napoleon: Total War Looks pretty badass, for the French at least. Sucks to see the Victory burning though... I would have kept it as a prize.
  13. I can feel my IQ dropping just watching these...
  14. There's a lot of bullets in that gun...
  15. Hahaha, the black guy behind them is like "WTF!"
  16. That's some talent right there.
  17. BZZZZT! Close, but no. The Japs are tricky with their machine guns. The Model 1 of this MG was built to be lighter than it's predecessor, the one in my post. (If that helps any.)
  18. German MG 08/15 (Null-acht-fünfzehn) Maxim 7.92x57mm Mauser ammunition Mainly in service 1917-1918 (I knew it was German, but the specs come from wiki) That's a cool one, Parker. Now try this:
  19. Taking Care Of Business - Bachman Turner Overdrive
  20. Here's my system exchange laptop! (The little acer netbook, was a gift from my parents)
  21. USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
  22. Who knew?
  23. Sherry - Four Seasons
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