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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Wack wack wack, BYAAA!
  2. Gobble Hitler!
  3. Wow, that kid drove amazingly well, I'm surprised.
  4. Heh... I saw this on Tosh.O/Web Soup Glad you posted it, I was meaning to find it. I wonder why and how it's making that noise... HOORAY FOR RAPEY TURTLES!
  5. Thanks for the invitation, Tech SSgt. Hawk, I'm sure you'll see some of our guys tomorrow. (I'm not sure what you were trying with the BBCode, but I've changed the incorrect codes)
  6. Although, I probably wouldn't mind seeing them covered in Sailor Jerry's either...
  7. Wow, that kid had a mouth on him.
  8. Damn it, how many times do I have to tell you, you're not supposed to kill the new recruits! hahaha Grats to the new guys!
  9. Ahhh, the 50's... Now it would be weird that stay home dads have to do all that stuff, minus all the obvious 'woman' things (I doubt a stay home dad will touch up his make up).
  10. I can totally see some rednecks trying this out themselves with their buds and then getting carried away and hitting someone.
  11. Sharp Dressed Man - ZZ Top
  12. Nice!
  13. I believe we are all lucky that I did not, seeing as I had no internet.
  14. I tried this before but failed miserably. I'll try with these settings and see if it works and let you know.
  15. Thanks guys, my parents and relatives took me to this local bar and got me wasted. It was shit-loads of fun.
  16. -Content of all images (posts, signatures, and avatars) on the forums may not contain: Unreasonable Nudity (Pornographic nudity, Sexual nudity, Suggestive nudity, reproductive organs, etc. If you have to ask if your image is unreasonable, it probably is.)Unit Slamming (Any obvious disrespect towards any unit, allied or not.)Racism (Fairly obvious)Blatant Disrespect towards any person (Flaming anyone from any unit, any place, anywhere. Politics and Celebrities not included.)Offensive/Disturbing material (A loose rule. Use common sense, if you step over the line on offensiveness, an admin will let you know.) -Signature-Single Image Size: No Larger than 700px x 150px The shadow boxes are the only exceptions and will take the place of your 700x150 image.No more than 3 images (Ribbons count for 1 image, all medals/badges count for 1 image, Squad Patches will count as a medal)Your 3 image sizes can not sum up to more than 700px x500pxNo more than 6 lines of text @ 'size 2' font. -Avatar-Size: No Larger than 150px × 150px Any Images that do not follow these image restrictions will be removed by an administrator or moderator. Repeat offenders will receive warnings on their accounts and will be punished accordingly.
  17. 7/10 Looks awesome. I like the BAR, works well with the sig. I also like how it looks weathered.
  18. Personally, I love French Toast more than any other breakfast, but I guess if I had to choose between Pancakes and Waffles, it has to be waffles!
  19. It works now, but it has been happening off and on for me the past week. Very Odd.....
  20. SQL ERROR [ mysqli ] Out of memory (Needed 32767847 bytes) [5] SQL SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s.session_ip) as num_guests FROM phpbb_sessions s WHERE s.session_user_id = 1 AND s.session_time >= 1248153900 BACKTRACE FILE: includes/db/mysqli.php LINE: 163 CALL: dbal->sql_error() FILE: includes/functions.php LINE: 3372 CALL: dbal_mysqli->sql_query() FILE: includes/functions.php LINE: 3405 CALL: obtain_guest_count() FILE: includes/functions.php LINE: 3597 CALL: obtain_users_online() FILE: index.php LINE: 128 CALL: page_header() Any clue what that is all about, it happens when i try to go to the board index. I have to use the "jump to" menu to look at the board...
  21. Banned Name: ?Ö?Ÿ´ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:22157814 Reasons for the Ban: purposefully team killing -------------------------------------------- Ban Request Name: pony's girlfriend Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:22880864 Reasons for the Ban: purposefully team killing (Just going to request until I get my HLSW set back up)
  22. There is a really pissed off writer out there, somewhere... lol
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