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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Not really sure what to think about that...
  2. I keep hearing people talk it down, but I still want to try it.
  3. HAHAHAHA They never cease to amaze me....
  4. Full Name: Nick P. Yamagata Age: 20 Location: WA Occupation: Student Favorite activity or hobby: Reading and Computer Games (who knew?) Special talent: Violin & Rock Climbing Favorite alcoholic beverage: Beer 3 Favorite movies: 1. Master and Commander 2. Kelley's Heroes 3. Role Models 3 Favorite bands or musicians: 1. Antonin Dvorak 2. The Who 3. Creedence Clearwater Revival 3 Favorite foods: 1. Sushi 2. French Toast 3. Seafood
  5. Kim Jung Il, beware... (original)
  6. Both 'birds' got fucked up here, but it's the video comments that make this video so fulfilling.
  7. I've seen enough. As enjoyable as it is to see someone being rightfully chewed out, there couldn't possibly be any more anyone could contribute to the argument. ATTN>>[MG] Cpt. Killa [1st AD]: You will not be unbanned, you've been banned before for similar reasons. If you can't respect our rules and you can't respect our players (especially our admins), you will just have to find another server to bother. Any further discussion into this will result in a ban on our forums as well.
  8. Did he die?
  9. 8/10 I like the fiery background and the font you used. Looks sweet.
  10. HOT HOT HOT HOT! I've been looking forever for that commercial, I laughed so hard the first time I saw it.
  11. True Fine Love - Steve Miller Band
  12. Are you from Memphis? Because you're the only Ten-I-see. You have nice legs, what time to they open?
  13. Just wanted it to be fun. I can see it happening once or twice a few times, but when it's over and over and over, it takes all the fun out of the game. I mentioned the new rule 12 hours after the game started, it's not like I changed too much too late. I didn't think it would be such a big issue, it's a really simple game with simple rules, but I remembered that it ruined the game last time so I tried to make it more challenging and more fun overall. So, one guy didn't know about the rule so you get to disregard it too? I don't think that's fair at all. I let you get away with it because it's just a game, but I guess it just really pissed me off to come on to play a random forum game and see the country I'm supporting lose 20 points in less than a day for the past few weeks or so. I don't know, I just wanted to play the game, but I feel like I've been jipped because someone can't wait for one more person to post. But hay, you won, you took all the points from the countries I supported, you really showed me, GRATS! Sorry if I sound like a dick, but I don't think it was too much to ask to wait for two posts, hell, I can do it and I tend to over post.
  14. The A-Team (13) Batman and Robin (1) 62 Truck crew (Rescue Me) (18) Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil Earp with Doc Holliday (Tombstone) (28)
  15. United States (64) Canada (79) Norway (78) *Salutes* to you Lehman, I'd have won by now if I cheated too.
  16. Germany (10) United States (58) Canada (76) Norway (77)
  17. Germany (9) United States (58) Canada (78) Norway (74)
  18. Hahaha, nice swing!
  19. The A-Team (13) Batman and Robin (4) 62 Truck crew (Rescue Me) (16) Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil Earp with Doc Holliday (Tombstone) (27)
  20. Germany (8) United States (58) Canada (78) Norway (75)
  21. The A-Team (14) Batman and Robin (5) 62 Truck crew (Rescue Me) (15) Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil Earp with Doc Holliday (Tombstone) (26)
  22. Germany (8) United States (59) Canada (76) Norway (76)
  23. The A-Team (14) Batman and Robin (6) 62 Truck crew (Rescue Me) (15) Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil Earp with Doc Holliday (Tombstone) (25)
  24. Germany (9) United States (60) Canada (75) Norway (75)
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