You think should would have practiced with the tape she was going to play with... to get a pitch at least? The dancing and such was just a little over the top.
It can't work without the music, if they were quiet when they did that I'd be skeptical. But with that crazy indian music to keep them going, it makes sense.
X-Men (2)
The A-Team (14)
Batman and Robin (6)
62 Truck crew (Rescue Me) (14)
Mermaid man and Barnacle boy (Spongebob squarepants) (2)
Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil Earp with Doc Holliday (Tombstone) (22)
X-Men (3)
The A-Team (13)
Batman and Robin (6)
62 Truck crew (Rescue Me) (14)
Mermaid man and Barnacle boy (Spongebob squarepants) (4)
Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil Earp with Doc Holliday (Tombstone) (20)
X-Men (6)
The A-Team (10)
Batman and Robin (5)
62 Truck crew (Rescue Me) (16)
Mermaid man and Barnacle boy (Spongebob squarepants) (6)
Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil Earp with Doc Holliday (Tombstone) (17)
X-Men (6)
Fantastic 4 (1)
The A-Team (10)
Batman and Robin (5)
62 Truck crew (Rescue Me) (16)
Mermaid man and Barnacle boy (Spongebob squarepants) (6)
Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil Earp with Doc Holliday (Tombstone) (16)
X-Men (6)
Fantastic 4 (3)
The A-Team (9)
Batman and Robin (5)
62 Truck crew (Rescue Me) (15)
Team America (Team America: world police) (1)
Mermaid man and Barnacle boy (Spongebob squarepants) (6)
Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil Earp with Doc Holliday (Tombstone) (15)