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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Germany (30) United States (39) Canada (37) Norway (29) Japan (11) China (17) Italy (20) Russia (34)
  2. Chicks dig you, but you don't dig chicks. Go suck a penis. I wish I had superpowers.
  3. Agreed. I don't understand why this isn't in the politics section...
  4. Germany (30) United States (37) Canada (36) Norway (30) Japan (11) China (19) Italy (21) Russia (33)
  5. Germany (30) United States (37) Canada (36) Norway (30) Japan (12) China (20) Italy (20) Russia (32) Denmark Down!
  6. Germany (30) United States (36) Canada (36) Norway (30) Japan (12) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (2) Russia (31)
  7. Never done it. Hiked 4 miles in snow ranging from knee deep to waist deep in street clothes (T-shirt, sweatshirt, jeans, tennis shoes, and gloves) Proof: ^Me^ ^2nd Lt. Sorley^
  8. Favorite kinds of food with my top favorites in each: 1. Japanese -Sushi -Tempura 2. Corned Beef -W/ Yellow Mustard and potatoes -Hot on a sandwich with mustard and cheddar cheese (no corned beef hash) 3. Italian -Submarine sandwiches (Is that Italian?) -Pizza 4. Sandwiches -Tuna Melt -Reuben 5. Seafood -Shellfish (6.) Fast Food! -Burger King (Angry Wopper)
  9. Germany (30) United States (35) Canada (36) Norway (30) Japan (13) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (3) Russia (30) Down with the Danes!
  10. Germany (30) United States (35) Canada (35) Norway (30) Japan (13) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (4) Russia (30)
  11. Not something I'd volunteer for. Well, unless you paid me a lot of money... I like how the guy was all cocky, "I think I'll be able to stand 15 seconds" then right when the guy started, he dropped the metal. Looks pretty intense.
  12. Germany (29) United States (35) Canada (34) Norway (28) Japan (13) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (8) Russia (30)
  13. Well, what did we learn? I learned that "Public Lewdness" is also known as "Free Speech" in the land of Naked Wizards. Everyone thinks that electricity is the naked wizard's only weakness, but in reality it's the cold.
  14. Germany (29) United States (35) Canada (32) Norway (27) Japan (13) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (10) Russia (31)
  15. The circles are... round?
  16. Germany (29) United States (32) Canada (32) Norway (26) Japan (14) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (14) Russia (30)
  17. Germany (29) United States (31) Canada (32) Norway (26) Japan (14) Mexico (1) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (15) Russia (29) It's not a big issue, just not cool to see someone constantly attacking your country *cough* Lehman *cough*
  18. Germany (29) United States (30) Canada (31) Norway (26) Japan (14) Mexico (3) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (15) Russia (29) Nobody seems to care about the "wait for TWO responses before you post" rule...
  19. Germany (29) United States (29) Canada (29) Norway (26) Japan (15) Mexico (6) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (15) Russia (28)
  20. Germany (30) United States (30) Canada (28) Norway (26) Japan (14) Mexico (6) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (15) Russia (28)
  21. Germany (30) United States (28) Canada (28) Norway (26) Japan (14) Mexico (8) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (15) Russia (28)
  22. Fucking flies are everywhere.
  23. Here's what I watch nowadays: Chuck Bones 24 Legend of the Seeker American Dad Family Guy Burn Notice Dollhouse Life It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles The Office The Loop Stuff I watched a lot in the past few years: Stargate Atlantis Eureka Cops Firefly South Park Testees Sons of Anarchy Code Monkeys G4 I've probably missed some, but I've usually been watching stuff on Hulu recently.
  24. I never really pay attention to Hockey, I don't watch enough sports...
  25. Never done it. Lived in Japan for a month.
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