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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Germany (28) United States (27) Canada (26) Norway (25) Japan (15) Mexico (13) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (27)
  2. I was going to say, with all those guns I'm amazed they don't have accidents, then I read the comment. Not saying it isn't badass, it's just with so many people with so many guns going off, it's very unsettling and it's hard to concentrate. Sucks to hear they had a fatality. I need to get a cannon...
  3. Fall. I know it's school and all that crap, but I love the leaves, the cold air, and seeing friends.
  4. France (2) Germany (23) United States (25) Canada (26) Norway (25) Japan (18) Mexico (17) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (25)
  5. Scrambled Eggs used to be inedible for me until I put ketchup on it. But now I just don't eat scrambled eggs...
  6. Then the United Nations demands for a disarmament of your country and the United States invades, beginning WWIII and leading to nuclear holocaust and the end of the human race. Way to go. I wish my farts smelled like Cinnamon Rolls.
  7. A good rule to add, you must post after TWO people have posted, that means no posting right after one another to "win" the game in an hour. France (18) Germany (22) United States (21) Canada (19) Norway (21) Japan (22) Mexico (18) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (19) Russia (19)
  8. 1. French Toast 2. Waffles 3. Dutch Baby 4. Pancakes 5. Eggs Benedict 6. Steel-Cut Oatmeal 7. Crepes
  9. Some of you may have seen my rifles, some of you may not have: (Top to Bottom) German K98 Mauser Russian Mosin-Nagant ISO 9 M91/30 w/bayonet spike British Lee-Enfield No. 1 MK III w/10 round magazine and copper reinforcing for rifle grenades. (Right-click the images and select "view image" to see the whole picture if it's cut for you)
  10. I really doubt they'll follow through with it.
  11. I'll pass on that image...
  12. Yeah, it's nice to have stuff to read on the forums.
  13. Spam Musubi Step 1: In a mixing bowl, place the uncooked rice and soak in water for 3-4 hours. Drain and rinse. Step 2: Put 2 cups of water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add rice and stir. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Step 3: Using another bowl, mix together soy sauce, oyster sauce and sugar. Stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Slice Spam lengthwise onto 6 slices or more depending on desired thickness. Marinate in sauce for 5 minutes. Step 4: Heat the large skillet in medium heat, add cooking oil. Cook slices of Spam for 2-3 minutes on each side or until slightly brown and a little crispy. Step 5: Cut nori (dried seaweed) sheets in strips, lay flat on clean surface. Scoop the cooked rice and place inside the rice molds. Press tightly and place at the center of the nori strip. Release the mold and then add a slice of cooked Spam on top. Wrap nori around the rice and Spam tightly; seal the edges with a small amount of water.
  14. Memory Parity Error + Memory Leaks + Dead Pixels + DELL = Stressful Laptop Experience I'm done trying to fix it, it is denying me my games, I want to take it out for target practice... I'm going to save all the money I have and see if I can get my parents to help me out on a new computer. Support says my problem is either a memory problem or not a memory problem at all. I'm going to see if Dell can send me a replacement Video card or new memory, although I really doubt they'll help...
  15. god damnit warren start making some sense Hahaha, yeah. I guess he couldn't knock Corned Beef because it is so awesome.
  16. All I need are some hard-boiled eggs and I'm set for Easter. Happy Easter Sunday Everybody.
  17. Happy Birthday Wilson!
  18. Foreplay+Long Time - Boston
  19. Serenade In Blue - Glenn Miller
  20. Happy Birthday, it's not twenty-one if you can remember tonight. Hahaha
  21. You know that balloon he flies away in crashes into a mountain? I wish I had some Corned Beef and some yellow mustard.
  22. Then your hands get chopped off because you used it on the Yakuza I wish I had a nice hot cup of coffee
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