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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. I want to do more memes, but I feel the officers would be the only ones to get them....
  2. 1851 Navy Sheriff Black Powder Revolver (Replica) Battlefield 4 And gift cards galore.
  3. There's no way to see who voted for whom.
  4. Meanwhile...
  5. Yeah, I think PewDiePie lives in the UK.
  6. I just love these recap videos, YouTube did pretty good with this one.
  7. The topic says "Most murica pictures ever." So, how does Captain Canuck win in this display of US National Pride? Are you trying to tell us that even though he wears the Canadian flag, he really aspires to be a proud 'murican?
  8. Not going to freeze my butt off to make a snow cat... Snow is cold, you know. Can't wait to go home for the holidays, I am so tired of Utah snow.
  9. What version of OS X do you have?
  10. Depending on how old your Mac is, you either need to boot into your OS installation disk (for older Mac OS versions) or boot into your recovery partition (on the new Macs). If you hold the Option key when you turn on your Mac, it should give you boot options. If there is a recovery partition you should be able to boot into that and use the Password Reset utility. The same would be on your installation disk.
  11. No problem LT, it was just a misunderstanding about protocol and we've since cleared it up with our BAR admins. Sincerest apologies for the inconvenience.
  12. Not a permanent ban offense, and since it's his first offense, lowered to 1 week.
  13. The answer is 7 and a half. Edit: On a more serious note, your ambiguous story about a person that really isn't a person but really is a person that may or may not be hacking is confusing and doesn't actually tell us anything. Not to mention your use of random paragraph breaks just hurts my head. Yes, it's hard to catch toggling hackers, but with our policy on hacking bans we're not going to ban fishy players without proof. More often than not, they're just good players. We do have one loophole, if an admin determines that the player is disrupting server play or creating a hostile environment, a ban would an acceptable course of action. Obviously, disrupting the server is not necessarily a permanent ban-worthy offense, but that's always up to the admin's discretion.
  14. Which platform did you choose? They're currently testing on the PC only.
  15. Yeah! I got invited for this weekend's Beta Test too!
  16. Aww yeah, Docomo has some of the best commercials.
  17. I wish my cat could do that.
  18. After our last unit-wide meeting there was a short meeting held by Johnson and the other interested members to brainstorm how to get the newsletter organized and running again. We haven't heard anything since.
  19. It would be hard to give up my custom Parker sig.
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