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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Are you saying you want a World at War II? Because I just love that play on words.
  2. Warrant Officer Holland has already given his judgement, albeit a light punishment, that should be the end of discussion.
  3. Someone with the name Kirk is not allowed to misspell words.
  4. Seems apologetic enough to keep this 1 day ban rather than a permanent one. Since it is a reoccurring issue, next time will be permanent. You can only dick about the server so many times before it becomes a disruption. If you feel like shooting or punching randomly, take it to a different server, our players do not appreciate the team wounding, accidental or not.
  5. Increased ban to permanent for being a repeat offender.
  6. Your mom looked a little sloppy the last couple weeks....
  7. http://been-seen.com/travel-blog/places-to...auty-of-bunkers The article doesn't say exactly where the bunker is, but the other images are just as neat. In fact, that's an awful article and you should probably ignore what is written as more than half is extremely incorrect...
  8. I cannot find either of those posts. The only thread that comes up is this: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?...ic=3760&hl= If you look at the first post of the topic, there are links to epic topics. Vamp: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=2780 Connary: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=2606
  9. You have to eat the candies to increase your health.
  10. Our epicosity has increased exponentially over the years, it would probably have to be a nomination thing.
  11. And so the hazing of enlisted members took on a new level of intricacy.
  12. I love this movie, it's got one of my favorite opening theme songs.
  13. Figured this topic was worth bumping, with all you WT advocates. World of Tanks is still an amazing game and I have so much time and money invested in it, War Thunder will have to amaze before I think about giving up the WoT. Anyways, I always get asked "How many tanks do you have now, Yama?" So, with that combined with how proud of my collection I am, here's another list for you: USA X - T110E5 Heavy X - M48A1 Patton Medium IX - M46 Patton Medium VIII - T34 Heavy VIII - T28 TD VIII - M40/M43 SPG VII - T25/2 TD VII - T71 Light V - T14 Heavy V - M4 Sherman Medium V - Ram II Medium II - T7 Combat Car Medium UK VIII - Caernarvon Heavy VIII - Centurion Mk. I Medium VII - AT 7 TD VI - TOG II* Heavy VI - FV304 SPG V - Excelsior Heavy V - Matilda Black Prince Heavy Germany IX - E 75 Heavy IX - E 50 Medium VIII - VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A Heavy VIII - Indien-Panzer Medium VIII - Ferdinand TD VIII - Jagdpanther II TD VIII - G.W. Tiger (P) SPG VII - Panther/M10 Medium VI - Dicker Max TD IV - Marder 38T TD France VIII - AMX 50 100 Heavy VIII - Lorraine 155 mle. 51 SPG VIII - AMX 13 90 Light VII - AMX AC mle. 46 TD USSR IX - ST-1 Heavy VIII - IS-3 Heavy VIII - T-44 Medium VII - SU-122-44 TD VI - A-43 Medium VI - SU-100 TD VI - SU-8 SPG V - Churchill III Heavy III - LTP Light II - BT-2 Light II - Tetrarch Light China VIII - Type 59 Medium VII - IS-2 Heavy VII - T-34-1 Medium VI - 59-16 Light Japan V - Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai Medium (For those of you too lazy to count, 49 tanks total) Ok, now you can make fun of me and my addiction. Hit me up if you want to play, I bet I can find a tank to match yours!
  14. Well, considering it was an hour ban that has since expired, we'll call it resolved. In the future, if you refuse to post a proper unban, we will not be unbanning you. It's a simple copy/paste, far from unreasonably difficult to follow. The ban was for disrespecting players/admins and that's something that usually earns a permanent ban, play nicely and respect our members and you will not have any additional problems. Topic Closed.
  15. We'll need more information to to determine what happened. This is why we have a unban request form: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=1917 Once you post that, we can see if we can help you out.
  16. Another from LG, if you haven't seen it:
  17. You be the judge.
  18. It's to my understanding that it's homemade when a restaurant bakes or cooks from scratch. There's no difference between cooking from scratch in a home kitchen and cooking from scratch in a restaurant kitchen. Housemade does seem to specify the difference though.
  19. Happy Birthday!!
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