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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. 1. Open Network Utility 2. Click on Traceroute 3. Type in
  2. @Göthe 1st MRB Here ya go
  3. Ok, if it's still bad, I'll need tracert reports to pass them on to Gameservers Support.
  4. Done. Here's hoping my fix works.
  5. Here's our server min/max's: sv_maxrate "25000" // Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited. Default: 0 sv_minrate "13000" // Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited. Default: 0 sv_maxupdaterate "67" // Maximum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 60 sv_minupdaterate "33" // Minimum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 10 sv_maxcmdrate "67" // Maximum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 60 sv_mincmdrate "33" // Minimum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 10 sv_client_cmdrate_difference "1" sv_client_predict "1" sv_client_interpolate "0.1" sv_client_min_interp_ratio "0.05" sv_client_max_interp_ratio "0.1" Although, I don't think it should change whatever you have in your autoconfig...
  6. I'll do some maintenance to cover the usual culprits on our end, shouldn't take more than a half hour. I'll post here when I'm done.
  7. Rebooted at 5:18pm EST
  8. Bumped up to 5 days. Hopefully that sends the required message.
  9. I am at work right now, the most I can do is restart the server and open a support ticket if necessary. Anyhoo, server restart incoming. Strike that, looks like the lag has gone away again, and we've got a (nearly) full server so no restart yet.
  10. I watched it for a bit, we had some minor spikes last night. It seems to have leveled off for now (probably after the scheduled reboot). Let me know if it gets any worse.
  11. You guys are awesome. We're covered for the rest of this month as well as the next!
  12. Yeah, that's weird... and bothersome. I've got a link there now instead of a button.
  13. Hey Everyone, I know that with the new forums, we lost our nifty donation packages. I've been working to find a viable replacement, but for now it's going to have to be direct Donations to either the unit PayPal or to Gameservers. As of right now, we're short $37 for our monthly costs. We know that everyone may not have the financial comfort to donate, and I do not want anyone to feel obligated to donate. To those that can, I want you to know that any and all donations will be appreciated by the community, you guys keep us afloat! You can donate to the Unit PayPal here: Donate! This will help pay for any and all Unit expenses (in addition to Gameservers payments, this will cover HLStats, Website payments and Domain renewal). -OR- You can donate directly to Gameservers here: Donate! This will help pay for our actual game servers and ventrilo. Thanks for all you do!
  14. Big actor, awesome story line, what could possibly go wrong? I kid, I kid... This will definitely get my money on opening week.
  15. Here's hoping they've gone back and improved upon Civ 5 mechanics and stepped away from the over simplified Beyond Earth approach.
  16. Should be up to date now.
  17. Of course I have to drop this in here.
  18. Remember to reference this topic when you experience server lag: I need to know if it was just you, or if everyone was having issues. I also need tracerts or logs of your lag. It has been a little while, so I'll clear out our downloads folder and force a restart when I get home tonight. Hopefully that will help with any lag anyone has been seeing. As for the max team members, that may be a map issue... Do we have a post about this map in the Ordnance Office?
  19. Happy Table Top Day!
  20. A couple updates. It looks like we're good for now, but we might see some restarts every 4 hours until Monday, and we'll probably go down for a while then when they replace the equipment.
  21. I know most of you have noticed the outage, that's all I've got from GameServers. There's no way for me to restart the servers and no way to make changes to them either. Thanks for your patience.
  22. Well, now that I can see the make and model, here's a user's guide for the distribution panel : http://www.security.honeywell.com/documents/CSQND88PUGV1.pdf It looks like it's a super simple unmanaged switch. And the security board: http://library.ademconet.com/MWT/fs2/VISTA-20P/Vista-20P-Users-Guide.PDF (more documentation) for home security and fire alarms.
  23. Looks like patching to jacks. Only way to know if it's a switch is to see what's going on inside. Best way to see if they're wired to the rooms is to use a toner to see where they go.
  24. My username is my SSN, is that bad?
  25. There is a report of Service Disruption and lag issues in Chicago, but I'm not sure how much that would affect our Private and Vent servers in St. Louis (if at all). It has been an hour since you posted this, so let me know if you're still seeing issues.
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