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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. http://www.noobmeter.com/ Good tool to view your stats!
  2. Mmm, scurvy... I assumed all sandwiches come with a side of Vitamin C enriched juice filled with plenty of electrolytes.
  3. Sourdough Dubliner Cheddar Corned Beef German Mustard
  4. Yeah, I watched the 11pm showing on Thursday, but they had the 9:00 and 10:00 at the theater also. It's basically the movie theaters making bank off of the non-matinee prices with the "pre-release" as the draw.
  5. I didn't get one.... Did you miss the 8.5 update last week?
  6. I, for one, thought Trevor was a terrifying villain. He wore the rings, they were just props and allusion to the comic book rings. Besides, the real villain said he was the real mandarin, he had magic regeneration crap, so what's to stop him from coming back and growing a fu manchu? (You know, other than the fact that they claim that's the last installment of Iron Man...)
  7. Ha, I've removed favorite officer. SO there.
  8. I was ready to stop watching at 5 mins, so painful. Glad I toughed it out till the end, very gratifying.
  9. Being a few episodes in myself, I think you'll probably change your mind soon. Not entirely sure what they want the audience to think about them yet.
  10. Is it just me or does the Candy Merchant look like the 4th Doctor?
  11. Dragon is super easy now, I'm trying to get past the waves of demons in Hell...
  12. I like my toast just barely toasted, you know right past the point of still being soft, usually right before it "browns," so I guess "yellowed?" At least rigid enough to spread butter on, but soft centered. Kind of like this:
  13. Suggested tactic: Invuln, teleport/seed a few times to let the potion/scroll cooldown end, invuln again and repeat.
  14. Eat more candies, the more candies you've eaten, the more health you have. It takes more and more candies to increase your health though. I can't kill the dragon now...
  15. Either the walled in zombie kills me or the knights... I need moar candies!
  16. I've read that although the Caernarvon says it's a heavy and looks like it's got decent angled armor, it's really just cardboard.
  17. You threw 270 candies on the ground...? (;_ I don't think throwing candies on the ground achieves anything. haha
  18. Haha, crazy! I just started that series too.
  19. Lucky! I'm still grinding the Comet in that line, but I have my Caernarvon researched in the heavy line, not sure if I'm ready to part with the BP and start a new grind quite yet.
  20. Yeah, I don't know what I broke, but YOU'RE WELCOME!
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