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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Your word-smithery is amusificating, that is my opinion and you are welcome.
  2. Indeed.
  3. A few people said the red was hard to read, else I would have tried to keep some things red
  4. Since you are vouching for the player, I've reduced the ban to 5 days. That is my personal minimum ban for purposeful team killing, regardless of who was playing.
  5. Thanks everyone for a fun April Fools Day!
  6. Make sure in your settings, under Network: Google Chrome is using your computer's system proxy settings to connect to the network. If that's ok, it might be worth uninstalling chrome and re-installing it. (maybe run a virus scanner or two to be safe)
  7. There used to be wood props (or was it flower pots?) that you could shoot a rocket at and then flip it around with E and make a landmine if anyone stepped on it... I don't remember which map.
  8. Please be patient while we make the conversion to 352nd ID, some images and ranks may be out of date.
  9. Our server cfg might have been wrecked, I'll double check when I get home.
  10. Stay Tuned for an announcement from the Oberstleutnant!
  11. Is it a place of nightmares and fear as was foretold?
  12. They've manually started the update and re-added the steam update option for us. Server should be good to go in about 10 mins.
  13. Gameservers seems to have removed the Steam Update option from our tools, I've submitted a ticket.
  14. Looks like Berg has already banned him for 2 weeks.
  15. This is my favorite symphony, Dvorak being one of my favorite composers. (32:04 - The 4th Movement is my favorite part of my favorite symphony.)
  16. And now I'm done voicing my opinion because again, I'm pinned to be oblivious and ignorant just because I don't like having someone else's beliefs forced on me (sound familiar?)
  17. It's the forbidden fruit, the fact that they cannot have the word is the main reason they want it. We can't deny them their rights to call it a marriage, rabble rabble!
  18. I'll vote yes, I could care less who marries who. However, I live in Utah where my vote doesn't count against the enormous resounding NO from the Mormon church and the rest of the far-right republicans. My home is Washington state, and I believe that's been voted in already. I'm just tired of the subject getting shoved down my throat because I'm a straight male and automatically have something against gay people and gay rights.
  19. I've added the IP address to our banlist, thanks LT.
  20. Makes me think of a short story I read: http://craphound.com/?p=573
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