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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Agreed, we suggest that as a free option to just about everyone that comes to my work at the Help Desk. Another good scanner that I would suggest is ComboFix, it's a download and run not a real-time protection program though.
  2. Well, the Public server is hosted in New Jersey and the Private server is hosted in St Louis... That may be the cause for your ping difference between the servers.
  3. I had that happen to me before: and I would type record 1 and then stop in console to fix it, or restart my game altogether... but it got worse and worse and developed into this: Long story short, my video card was overheating and finally died. I would suggest a quick canned air clean of the inside of your computer and make sure you have good ventilation on your GPU.
  4. First time I'm signing up for one of these, just because of Bunt's suggestion. It was a great one!
  5. And you would think that the UK version would have been better with the relaxed censorship compared to the US ABC Family's prime weeknights. But I agree! I did see the green screen show, but that died so quick I can't even remember the skits.
  6. I watch the stream on Justin.Tv sometimes: http://www.justin.tv/thepointsdontmatter#/w/4990883600/16 When it's broadcasting of course...
  7. Aaaaaaaaand.... Slope Chute.
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. I always vote for the Captain.
  10. Who's the reh-tard? The person that wants to be the unit reh-tard, or the person that doesn't know that they are the unit reh-tard?
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. Bumped up to a month, next time it's permanent.
  14. My friend had a 5.0, he ran that car into the ground. He sold it when he got married, haha.
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. I would never take or place a call whilst on the porcelain throne. But I do text and play games or browse the mobile interwebs.
  17. Gah, why did I click on this topic again....
  18. I don't think I have a tough enough stomach...
  19. My brother had this issue, reinstalling his OS fixed it. It may have been something simpler, but he was overdue for a clean install.
  20. The person that played glados did the voice in Pacific Rim Only in the trailer apparently.
  21. If you have a bunch of updates try running one at a time and restarting between each to find the culprit update. Once you do, post it. If it's just one update that will not install, see if you can find that update to manually download and install from Microsoft. If it's just that one update and you can't do the previous steps, you might have to re-install your OS.
  22. What.... kind(?).... of violin do you play? That's an odd question, but it's Karl Knilling.
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