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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Any damage to non-blue teammate adds to your status.
  2. How to enjoy your least favorite beer: Get a can of your least favorite beer. Take a shot of whiskey Throw the can at some unsuspecting drunk. Laugh.
  3. I love the google bot, it finds the best topics!
  4. Drivers, drivers and more drivers... I've downloaded the NEWEST version of microsoft's keyboard and mouse manager and now my issue is purely intermittent. Still annoying as all else... If I start raving again, I'll take it out on the manufacturer.
  5. You can thank Vogt for those logins. However, you know that this is a public section of the forums so now everyone and their mother can find them.
  6. My favorite tank. Had it before it went premium so they gave it to me free, now it's my money maker
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. I don't think he said "What gun would you bring to the Zombie apocalypse." I don't think scavenging weapons and ammo holds any importance.
  9. If you do not have posting rights in the archive, post it to the main MP section and move the topic.
  10. Server was having issues. It seemed like it wasn't distributing cookies correctly.
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. I was not recruited, but I would say Parker and Sorley were the main reasons I joined the unit.
  13. Desertification? Right, anyways... Wouldn't a decertification be better for the fans that want to see hockey games again? If the union decertifies, what else is left to stop the players from playing? Oh well, lockout didn't work, go right on back to making a million dollars a year. With a decertified union, that means no more union dues, meaning they would make more money, problem solved. It's not like the players are being mistreated...
  14. Big Picture is a GPU hog, but it sure it purdy. I liked the advanced features like choosing your installation location Lets me use my SSD for more important things.
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. Happy Birthday
  17. The only tip I got was to talk to the manufacturer. Is that all you guys got for me?
  18. At first I was like "Did it died?" And Then I was like "Haha, he made a funny face." Then I was like "Oh fuck!"
  19. Happy Birthday!
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