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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. I can't stand the Young Turks and I can stand Bill Maher even less...
  2. Everyone knows Australians come from Austria.
  3. Almost a year
  4. *Engle playing Hitman in the box.*
  5. Considering this is what Sorley's brother does with all his free time, I would not be surprised.
  6. Crap, I never congratulated you on your book. I remember looking for a cat GIF and then got distracted by cat GIFs...
  7. A reply would be posted in this topic.
  8. Just wanted to link this topic for future reference.
  9. So glad I avoided this topic at work.
  10. If it's a repeat offense, yes. We're on a loose 3 strike system, 2nd strike usually increasing the ban length, third being permanent.
  11. SIGNATURE TOO BIG!!!!!!!!!! I mean um, yea purple powerlines....
  12. Has he been asked to change his name? If he declines, then we can permanently ban him. I understand that with a name like that, he's probably just out to cause problems. However, I'm always inclined to give our pubbers the benefit of the doubt and give him the chance to change his attitude if he would like to continue playing on our servers. Sorry, I'm not so heavy handed with the ban hammer.
  13. Gahhh! Pre Purchase is still available... I might have to dump some cache.... ...to make room, and then spend money.
  14. That was really the only reason I played the last one, but that's not worth the $60...
  15. Did they release this yet? I was tempted to pre-order.
  16. Does not want.
  17. Drugs are crazy.
  18. Damn those pesky game settings.
  19. Done. Perm until he changes his name and requests an unban (which will probably be never).
  20. Hmm, considering how cats play, that cat would probably murder you with its giant claws.
  21. I don't think the vote will determine his returning rank. Besides, Pvt. is a little harsh for a returning MSgt, don't you think?
  22. Nope, I will not spend more money on games I don't need.
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