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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Birthday Happiness!
  2. Looks kinda cool, a little foggy in France. What's your fog_enable set to?
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Try them all, early in the game it's easy enough to change trees/nations... It's not until about tier 4 that it really matters. Personally I like the US Tree, big guns. France seems to still be a bit OP if you feel like grinding through the tier 1-5 to get to them. Germany is a good balanced nation, unfortunately that doesn't make them the superior tanks. Russia is the same, just more armor, more speed. The thing about France is they have post WWII tanks with auto-loaders. So most French tanks have the ability to fire rounds at crazy speeds but then have a long reload. What you need to decide is what tree you're most interested in. SPGs are the artillery, they have biggest guns, longest reload, virtually no armor. Tank Destroyers have the second biggest guns, they don't get decent armor until the later tiers, and some move quick some are the slowest in the game. Scout Light tanks only go up to tier 5 (up to tier 8 in French line) they are easily the most maneuverable and some of the fastest, but obviously they don't have the best guns or armor. Medium Tanks are fairly quick and maneuverable, and most can take a few hits. Heavy tanks are even less maneuverable, but they have bigger guns and the best armor. Each nation does each tree a little differently, but they all have their pros and cons. But it all depends on your playing style. I have tank ADD, so I want to try every tank in the game... So although I've had my tier 10 researched for months, I spend all my credits on trying new tanks.
  5. This statement and your avatar made me think you're being sarcastic. Hahaha.
  6. Maybe I'll watch the Pilot... This is on Netflix, right?
  7. The fuck...?
  8. Might not be the most active game, but it's one of the more difficult ones skill-wise.
  9. What? No player-player contact? I disagree.
  10. What high school did you go to? Sheesh, the Band Geeks were the popular kids at my HS.
  11. Allow me to sneak in another P. Schickele.
  12. You heard the man, our children will be listening to K-Pop and we'll be like WTF?
  13. This is the one you permabanned. You can always view the banlist here. The most recent bans are always on the front page, you can also search by banning admin to view your own ban record.
  14. Los angeles robber is banned for 2 weeks. We'll up it to perm if he is a repeat offender.
  15. Looks like he has a 3 week ban imposed by Parker. We'll up the ban to perm if he is a repeat offender.
  16. Done. In the future, please post steam IDs in this format: STEAM_0:1:12345678 Don't leave out the colons.
  17. Here's hoping!
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. Agreed, just look at my vehicle stats (link)
  20. Booo, snowing here in Utah too.
  21. Last few minutes on phone shift, longest six minutes ever.
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. He also makes some pretty neat music as well: Almost got my high school conductor to allow us to play this in concert once, would have been epic. Although most of our parents wouldn't get the joke.
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