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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. If by server rank, you mean the overall rank of the server, then that's handled by GameTracker, not HLstats. If by individual player's overall rank, then yes, that is handled by HLstats and will be down.
  2. Hard to tell from the description, but here's a reminder to always make sure you ask them to remove their tags before the kick. Banned.
  3. Says permanently banned on HLSW.
  4. Here: http://www.smallhadroncollider.com/ Get to know the web developer that made the site. Not that his small site is very revealing about what kind of person the dev. is, from what I've read, he doesn't seem the type to go all out in hacking your accounts. Anyhoo, your security is entirely up to you, since I am more trusting, I will be prone to more social engineering schemes, and you will not.
  5. Well, as nifty as it would be to have the millions of passwords that people have typed into his website, he lacks the knowledge of what the password is for and account names and all the other info you would need to utilize that password. It's like handing someone a key at random, how the hell is he supposed to know what it goes to. Unless he stalks you down and figures out how to use your password, you're probably safe typing anything you want in that website.
  6. I know in most of California you're responsible for the sidewalk in front of your property. If it get's wrecked, you have to pay to get it repaired.
  7. Who's a little toe?
  8. *cough* You left the real score in the top corner *cough* Nice work! (not to mention obviously taken from the previous post.)
  9. If Sorley was still an officer he only has 11 posts, haha.
  10. I was going to say worst post count from an officer ever, but then I remembered the Swartz Brothers. Haha, Mike has yet to break 100 posts. Congrats anyways!
  11. Please post Ban Reports directly to the MP Archive. Thanks!
  12. Zombie Volleyball, sounds like fun.
  13. You know they only call it Alpha to make you want to test it for them. It's technically beta testing because you're not on-site with the developers to ask you questions and monitor your experience. But hey, the best thing for developers is a huge testing community. Makes it easier to find bugs and fix them.
  14. Added it to SB for you. Not sure why it didn't show...
  15. Congrats!
  16. I smother my 5 guys in everything I can, I think it's pretty tasty with BBQ sauce and Jalapenos. I do get a ton of fries though, I haven't seen the "little tray" yet. The place near my work does the medium drink cup full of fries plus another scoop into the bag with my burger, I feel like I'm eating an endless amount of fries. Unfortunately, the fries aren't even that tasty unless you add some of the malt vinegar they have and dip them in fry sauce. Anyhoo, it comes down to about $15~20 for just myself and honestly, it's just not worth that much.
  17. Congrats! Only 5654 posts from becoming a forum Grand Marshal!
  18. We've had multiple reports of disruptive activity from your steam ID. When we get a lot of complaints, you'll have to bear with us while look into what happened and take into account previous reports. Please allow our admins to review the ban and demo (I believe the demo has only been up about an hour.) Your review of the demo is albeit kind, I would rather we take a look before making the final call. Thanks for understanding.
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