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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Hey Liv, we've heard your opinion already, you're not contributing to the topic, you're just heckling the people that actually enjoy the game for what it is. We get you don't like the game, you don't like Activision and you think it's not worth the price. Why else would you continuously post your apprehensiveness for the game if not to either dissuade other from playing it or to make others feel bad for enjoying it. "You like shitty games, so therefore you have shitty taste." is about all I see in your dismissive posts. Constantly attacking the people that reply to you is trolling move on please. Feel free to argue with me because I will not hesitate to remove your posting rights. I don't even care that much about Diablo, but congrats, you've successfully pissed and moaned me into defending it.
  2. Yeah, that's right, I'm awesome.
  3. I don't think I mentioned the job market, but I can see the concern.
  4. I think the biggest issue is like Holland mentioned. It just seems more of an inconvenience than a serious issue to people, "Oh man it's hot this summer, I need to invest in Air Conditioning..." And it's not something that truly affects them. Not to mention the increased price of "going green" these days in a not-so-healthy economy.
  5. I live with this guy, I'll talk to him.
  6. That's what she looks like in real life. Way to be inconsiderate McDowell, such a jerk.
  7. Well, who left the ball on the ground there. Might as well dunk it!
  8. Who is Skip Bayless anyways? If I don't know him, he can't be that famous.
  9. Happy Birthday!!
  10. Any admin can type this into the server: sm_ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason]
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permanent_res...nited_States%29
  12. I had a friend lose her green card and now she has to be stopped everywhere that requires a passport/visa/etc. and they have to verify that it is really her.
  13. Oh ho ho!
  14. Nice quotation marks. It's a only a week-long ban for causing problems in the server. Even retaliatory TKs are a ban-worthy offense. Sorry, I'll take the captain's word over yours, take the week and watch your fire. Please don't open up another topic after the original had been locked. Thanks.
  15. Congrats! If they will give you a promotion, I'm sure a pay raise isn't too far away!
  16. Two reasons why you do not have editing powers. 1st, you are not a SSgt. or higher and 2nd, you are not a platoon clerk. Those are the only groups that have editing powers in the Squad Offices. If you want something edited and you are not in those two groups, contact someone in those groups. We used to give the squad leaders mod status over the squad offices, but we moved focus away from squad organization to Platoon organization and it became too much of a hassle to keep up to date on who should have the rights. I'll see if I can come up with a simpler way of maintaining the editing permission situation.
  17. Soccer is actually gaining in interest here in North America. I don't think it was ever unpopular...
  18. Handled.
  19. Whoa, I read that this morning and they had raised 115k. How many groups of people would donate money just to spite someone on the internet. Crazyness.
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