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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Hey, cool stuff to be had: Click this: Select this: Paste this: Or do this: Click this: And Enjoy:
  2. It's Stone's Birthday?!
  3. Ewww, the new forums can't handle wide html... Cool video though.
  4. You're in a desert, walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down and see a tortoise. It's crawling toward you. You reach down and flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over. But it can't. Not with out your help. But you're not helping. Why are you not helping?
  5. You guys are awesome! I got a little distracted by the forum upgrades and I forgot to check the donations, but of course you guys pulled through and closed the gap! Two Weeks without Weapon Restrictions, GRANTED! Special thanks to those that donated: J. Hill 1st MRB Gearhart 1st MRB Moffat 1st MRB Bradley 1st MRB There's one more from a name I don't recognize, but thanks nonetheless! We have the best community a unit could ask for!
  6. Well, that took forever... Here it is, now it's time for some work getting it back to normal!
  7. Hey everyone, It's been a while since we've needed to drum up some support for the servers. I hate having to ask for more than you donate already, but with the bills for the server landing on the same week and month as the bill for the website, we're $75 short this month! Following Parker's example, if we meet our goal in the next couple weeks, I'll give the unit in turn Two Weeks without Weapon Restrictions. Of course, we never want you to feel obligated to donate, please tend to your own monetary needs before even thinking of donating to the server. Thank you all for your support, it's your time and effort that keeps us running! -If you want to donate directly click below:
  8. Hello Raiders and Friends! As most of you know, the command staff has been working towards updating the 1st Marine Raider website. This update should bring a new look to the forums, make our site more secure, and hopefully a bit quicker! I will be making the necessary backups tomorrow. I hope to get the update started Saturday at 9:00 PM EST Sunday at 12:00 AM EST at the earliest (I'll keep this topic up-to-date as needed). I don't know how long it will take for the update to complete, but there will be a lot of work ahead of us getting everything to meet our needs once again. Since it is the same software, just updated, it shouldn't change too much. Use this time now to back up anything you absolutely cannot lose (lists, attachments, etc). We apologize for any inconvenience that the website outage might cause. Let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns! Regards, Lt. Col. Yamagata Battalion CO
  9. I saw someone reading this so... NECRO-BUMP!
  10. I will wait to see if there is any content worth my money.
  11. 恭喜發財!
  12. I remember helping find the base image for those forum NCO ranks.
  13. Gotta show off my Parent's new additions to their pet family: Holley (2 years old) Eleanor (2 months old) All the puppies! Shelby is so happy to have playmates.
  14. Show of hands how many times you try to Google something and Google assumes you don't know what you're looking for. Not only did I get misdirected, I now have a screen full of creepy ventriloquist dummies. Thanks for the nightmares, Google.
  15. First check your settings: Options -> Multiplayer -> Advanced If you have an autoexec file or if you've altered your config, make sure that cl_playerspraydisable is set to 0 you can even type cl_playerspraydisable 0 into console in game.
  16. I love the internet at my work, I just wish my home network was half as good.
  17. Probably not a DoD:S command then.
  18. Try it with quotes: cl_autowepswitch"0"
  19. Strike Three, you're out! (Perma-Banned)
  20. We need more info than that... Please read our unban request topic and fill out the form: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?...opic=1917#Unban If you want to be unbanned, you have to give us the info we need, I'm not digging through our ban records for it. We don't need your global ranking or how long you've played on our server, just fill out the form.
  21. The XBox Police are here, they're going to ban you!
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