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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. I've been to Japan, I am now immune to these sorts of things.
  2. He distributed the 2, but his second step is wrong it should be 6/(2+4) which = 1
  3. Fantastic video.
  4. 1) It's free 2) If you like RTS games, this is a good adaptation on that play style without a whole lot of micromanagement 3) Did I mention it's free?
  5. Gotta be 30 for ranked anyways.
  6. Happy Birthday you two!
  7. Exactly This. (I am quoting a quote, HA)
  8. We had a burst of activity just over a month ago, the monitor no longer takes that into consideration for the rank. This is an old explanation, but it's still relevant
  9. Agreed, top of the charts in badassery.
  10. An American Infiltrator in Canada or a Canadian Infiltrator from Canada?
  11. happy birthday!
  12. Hmmmm, should I get my T25 AT? Or I could just stick with my M36 Slugger to grind XP...
  13. It doesn't matter how many cores you have, it's whether or not the OS and applications knows how to utilize those extra cores. A fine example is this 1000 core processor or even this 80 Core Processor by Intel. The operating systems we use commercially don't know what to do with all the cores and even if they did there aren't many programs designed to utilize all these extra cores. Just a little food for thought.
  14. I've played arty a lot, aiming for a certain spot on a tank is near impossible. Don't aim with your cursor, aim with the reticle (the circle of dots) since that is where your shell will land. I put my cursor on the far edge of where I want to hit. (ie, when I want to hit the engine, I aim at the far end or even just past the edge of the tank) I found most of my shells fall short or miss if I aim directly where I wanted to hit, aiming just past where you want it to go usually works well for me. If you need a target, I say always aim for the engine, as it is usually the weakest spot on top of the tank. Some tanks have a weak hatch on the turret, but that's a lucky shot and if you miss, you ricochet. Another good thing about aiming for the engine is if you hit the side of the tank instead, you usually knock off the tracks.
  15. I dropped my A-20 for the French line, got to the AMX 12t. Upgraded my VK3601 to a Tiger and my Hetzer to a StugIII. I have enough XP for my T30, but not enough credits (costs over 6 million...) and I'm almost elite with my Slugger, might sell it and upgrade to the T25 AT. I love 5x First Win weekends!
  16. You don't need a program for downloading maps from the server. If you are downloading maps from FPSbanana then you will probably need an un-zipping program (WinZip works pretty well). We've always had problems with the donner extended mini-map, it should be downloaded automatically when you load from our server. If you are still having trouble, go here and scroll down to Englebretson's post for the download and the step-by-step.
  17. Hahaha, Flying Dutchman at the end.
  18. In programming, () takes precedence. So that's how I do my math.
  19. Badass.
  20. By Tragedy I mean they kill themselves, did you miss that part of the wiki definition?
  21. I can spam closed topics!
  22. The story of Romeo and Juliet was a tragedy, I'm sorry if that describes your sex life.
  23. I didn't know there were exceptions to your statement, if that were so you should have added "excluding finish the sentence topics" but you might as well be saying "not including my dumb posts." Then I'll refer you to Exhibit B:
  24. So, if I were to look up your posting history, it would be a decent amount of quality posts that took time and effort to formulate? Challenge Accepted. Exhibit A: Hahaha
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