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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. 2.28 posts per day, not bad at all.
  2. Starcraft Battlechest is still $30.
  3. I'll try again.
  4. I'm not on there, Muahahaha.
  5. Not sure what you are asking. Did you want to be unbanned from the servers or would you like a second chance to join the unit. If you want to be unbanned follow instructions here. If you were rejected from the unit, and you want to re-apply follow the instructions here (if you have not passed your BCT, post an enlistment application and not a re-enlistment application. You can only apply once every 30 days). Thanks, Maj. Yamagata
  6. Newsletter hasn't died, it's just taking a vacation.
  7. Looks pretty funny.
  8. Themes: Where Eagles Dare Big Bar Fight Cowboy Bebop 1941 March Good Up-beat songs: Jump in the line Ain't No Easy Way Cobrastyle Take Me Out Little Green Bag
  9. On my old laptop when ever I pushed the volume controls, it would bring up my voice command options. I think when you have built in commands on your keyboard the signal it sends would match the signal for another command in another program. I don't think you can change that without actually tinkering around in the OS.
  10. I don't get it... If you go around saying "Don't fuck with me," isn't that like asking to be fucked with? What exactly warrants a "fuck?" And do I give any?
  11. There's something, have you ever heard someone order a 'Rum and Pepsi?'
  12. Start by looking for updates for your Mac, additionally I know you can run a "Repair Permissions" in the Disk Utilities and that usually repairs all sorts of issues for Mac, so if you're still willing to tinker around, that's always an option. I hate to say it, but you may have to reinstall steam, if the permission repair and the forced steam update didn't work.
  13. Musical Intolerance, get it right Stone.
  14. About as far as I could get as well.
  15. Because people get beat up for the type of music they listen to... Where do you live Richards, the land of musical intolerance?
  16. I've never used Lion, so here's a link to the How-To on steam's forums: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/show...d.php?t=2012853
  17. My Favorite clips.
  18. Dude, I have that in my playlist! Hahaha.
  19. It seems this fine piss taker is already perma-banned.
  20. Gotta love these self resolving issues!
  21. Still doesn't tell me your OS, haha... Snow Leopard? Lion? Usually it's in the directory "~/Library/Application Support" on Macs.
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