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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Parker: It was so clear Engle: Yeah, he must have be talking into the mic, you know those "sound catchers."
  2. Hahaha, "offends protesters?"
  3. Hard not to at least grin at that.
  4. That was.... odd.
  5. Been to: Canada (Vancover, BC is just a few hours away anyways) and Japan (Tokyo, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Miyajima, Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, Nishi-Niporri, Yokohama, Enoshima, Nikko) Want to go to: England, Germany, France, Italy, (All around Europe, really), Australia, Mexico, Korea, and maybe China.
  6. Birthday Happiness!
  7. Our Year End Beers at the BAR night will be held on December 9th starting at 8pm EST. It'll be in the private server for all 1st MRB and BAR members. Cheers!
  8. http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/52505
  9. I used to drink all my teas straight, but then I got yelled at by a British friend for drinking earl grey without milk or cream. However, I refuse to put any sugar/honey/sweetener in my teas.
  10. We used to RUN the 6th RB. No seriously, I was the CO and Parker was my XO.
  11. I had so many kills that I ripped the fabric of time and space.
  12. Gotta love the Mochas, that's usually my go-to-drink at coffee shops. However, recently I've really liked Chai Lattes, plus they're usually a dollar cheaper than all the other lattes. When I feel like something sweet, I like to get the caramel macchiato. Oh and if I want to mix it up at sbux, I like to get the cinnamon dolce latte. Whenever I'm at a restaurant for breakfast, I like to get regular coffee with one cream and one sugar. At home, I usually make up a Earl Grey with a splash of cream or I might brew a plain green tea. My favorite green tea is genmaicha, which has roasted rice in it. Recently, with my new addiction to chai, I've bought some chai teabags and I've been brewing that and drinking it with a splash of cream. I used to like chamomile tea, but the tea bags we have have rose flavor as well and ever since I ate some Turkish delight, I've hated the flavor of rose. So I haven't had chamomile in a while. When I have coffee at home, it's usually cream and sugar like normal, but holiday season means eggnog!
  13. As a computer science major, we spend A LOT of time on computers, and some of that that time just might be spent on the forums.
  14. They're all idiots, nobody wins.
  15. After asking around, I found that you were banned on suspicion of attempting to recruit from our members. We trust our admins to make the right decisions, so you have to understand my caution. I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt, but our interaction with 6th members (current and past) has been, shall we say... unsavory. For the time being the ban stays, however, if you'll bear with us, I'm still gathering intell and then I'll talk to my command staff and come to a more concrete decision.
  16. @People What is this? Twitter?
  17. 1. Guns (I'm rooting for either an M1 Garand or a M1911, but I'm open minded) 2. $$ for computer parts, I'm fed up with my laptop I want to build a nifty desktop. 3. Comfortable Headset, built in mic is no good. 4. Skyrim, of course 5. A NEW CAR! Well, actually I wouldn't mind having the car that I already have fixed...
  18. I don't have any objection to leaving him banned, disrupting unit operations is as good as reason as any for banning. Side note: Did he know the private server password? If that is the case, we need to know so that we can change the default password ASAP.
  19. In my drunkeness, apparently I picked up a girl and put her in the bathtub.
  20. Fine.... Name: Yamagata Reason: everyone else is doing it.
  21. You know you can fast travel to places you've already been, right?
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