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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Wait wait wait, you're saying brown sugar and pecans don't make a hearty food a dessert? Bread + Brown sugar and pecans = Sticky Bun = Dessert
  2. Raider Recipes
  3. Oh, I've had it with cayenne powder, is that the same?
  4. What if you've had all of these and enjoyed them?
  5. The.... stretch marks....
  6. whilst watching the video press 9
  7. Mess Hall rules **Moved**
  8. If I knew I would get a demotivational poster I would have thought of something a little more witty...
  9. Not 100% sure what you're doing, but if you're trying to spam I will ban you.
  10. lolwut?
  11. I got to touch one. Hahaha.
  12. You say that like you have a choice. Muahahahaha.
  13. Holiday Hide n' Seek has a good ring to it.
  14. By the looks of these comments I don't think I should watch this at school...
  15. How was this virus distributed, specifically? (how did you get it?) What are the symptoms? (how did you know you had it?) How did you get rid of it? You can't just say look out for this virus and not give some additional info...
  16. Oops, accidentally locked the topic.
  17. And.......... moved!
  18. Means "Don't worry" or "Feel better" in regards to your health.
  19. I get neither so my vote goes to the internet.
  20. ***BUMP*** Name: Yama Recipe name: Oyako Donburi (親子丼) a.k.a. "Mother & Child Rice Bowl" approximate yield: 1 to 2 Servings Ingredients list: 2-3 cups cooked Japanese rice1 boneless chicken thigh1 small onion2 eggsSalt to tasteDonburi Sauce:½ cup dashi stock (dried skipjack tuna stock)1 teaspoon of mirin1 teaspoon of Japanese soy sauce Tools/other materials needed: Small/medium saucepan Mixing bowl Donburi bowls or deep soup bowls Furikake seasoning (optional) *Chicken stock can be substituted for dashi stock Instructions: Cooking the rice takes the longest, be sure your rice is cooked and ready to go.Mix the eggs, don't beat, in a separate mixing bowl lightly with chopsticks or a fork.Cut chicken into bite-size pieces, and thinly slice onions.Mix sauce ingredients in saucepan, bring to gentle boil.Add chicken and onion and simmer until chicken is almost done (for about 5 minutes), season as needed.Slowly pour egg over the chicken and onions, do not stir.Simmer until egg starts to bubble around the edges of the pan, it should still be slightly runny (the hot rice will finish the cooking) don't let the egg cook solid.Slide the egg topping out of the saucepan over the hot rice in the donburi bowl, the sauce and egg should seep into the rice.Serve immediately, Enjoy! Comments: The rice will finish cooking the egg, but it will be a little runny. If you don't like runny eggs, you can thoroughly cook them before adding them to the rice. Donburi is basically a rice bowl with toppings that were simmered together, this is the chicken and egg donburi, I've also had Oyakodon with chicken katsu which is kind of like fried chicken which was AMAZING, that is similar to Katsudon which is pork katsu and egg over rice. You can substitute out the egg and/or chicken for pork, beef, or fish among other toppings. I first had this when I was in Japan, and I've loved it since.
  21. He's saying Daijyobui. (Dai - jo - bui)
  22. Overwolf
  23. I will say that it made me chuckle, here it is for those that missed it.
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