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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Hahahahaha, Wingate And that's definitely not up to uniform regulations, First Sergeant.
  2. You can't hear me talk, but you can hear Engle screaming.
  3. Haha, I just noticed that he is One year old. I wonder if it is really his birthday.
  4. I think these topics have met their usefulness limit, moving to the Slope Chute.
  5. I think these topics have met their usefulness limit, moving to the Slope Chute.
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. It's funny how "delete the .blob file" fix is always raised in steam issues. Makes copy/paste tech support a dream come true.
  8. It's on the table. I'm not 100% sure, but we might request a server move.
  9. M4A2E4 Sherman M4A3E8 "Easy 8" Sherman or M4A3E2 "Jumbo" Sherman?
  10. Or you could run to your local gaming store, buy the World of Tanks CD copy for $20 and get 1 T2 Light Tank, 1 week Premium account, 1,050,000 Credits, and 1,800 Gold. True, you have to update your client once you install it, but the initial chunk of game data should be there on the CD. Although, I'm only guessing they put a recent version of the game on the CD, I haven't bought the box version as it only recently came out after PAX. (I started with the beta like everyone else and updated from there.) HOWEVER, I wouldn't be surprised if the CD just opens a downloader for the whole client. Video game companies seem to be doing that more often now...
  11. What are you guys rolling?
  12. I've recently stopped playing for a little bit. I've got the US T34 as my main tank and I'm 60k away from my T30. In my garage I've also got the Panther, T32, M36 Slugger, T20, VK 3601, M7 Priest and last but not least the BT-2. I'll probably start playing again when I have money for a premium. BT-2 RUSH!
  13. As fun and addicting as a new RPG would be, I spent all my money on BF3.
  14. The "One-Better" bomb battle was the Cold War, Griswold. Japan wasn't trying to develop a stronger bomb when the Manhattan Project was finished and the bombs were dropped on them... Factories destroyed, islands lost, they were still struggling to hold ground and save face.
  15. He'll still be a noob that killed you.
  16. Kind of a Engle/Collazo/Harvey freakout mix.
  17. Happy Halloween!
  18. John Williams made this video 1000 times better. *Thumbs Up!* Corn on the Cob! Corn on the Kabob!
  19. I'm surprised that coke mixed with the beer didn't bubble over in his mouth and come out his nose.
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