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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. Some of you might have noticed the snowflake gif I've made for the forums, if not, you might get it soon, depending on how long your browser decides to cache the background image. You can speed up the process and get snowflakes now if you press Ctrl+Shift+Delete (pc only) and delete your browser's cache, you don't have to delete cookies if you don't want to. Happy Holidays!
  2. Yeah, I really only got the Shia LaBouef one... Still a cool video though.
  3. Aww yeah, Rewind time! 2014, 2013,
  4. Many lives were changed on this day in a matter of hours. The 1st MRB and it's command staff would like all of you to take a moment and remember those that lost their lives on that day. Let's remember those that sacrificed their lives during the war for the comforts and freedoms we have today. *Salute*
  5. Here comes Alpha 2.0
  6. Tried uploading it a new way, let me know if it worked (server might need a reboot).
  7. Usually resets after an update, I'll re-upload it later.
  8. Should be unlimited now.
  9. National Hot Dog and Sausage Council Announces Official Policy On ‘Hot Dog as Sandwich’ Controversy
  10. My new dog, Maggie She's 2, just got her yesterday!
  11. I should specify, the 1st MRB doesn't officially participate in tournaments in which we have no control and no say (and no, I am not asking to be made "supreme leader" of a tournament/league). Basically, we don't dedicate any of the unit's time and resources to them (i.e. practice time, server use, recruiting or advertising) You, as individuals, are allowed to do what you want and we won't stop you. So long as you still follow our set rules for being part of this unit, everything tournament related falls secondary to official unit events and responsibilities. All I ask it that you be aware that when you wear your tags, you are representing the unit, so any bad press (as well as good press ) will reflect on the unit as a whole. If you do decide to participate, best of luck to you!
  12. We do not participate in Leagues or Tournaments, unfortunately.
  13. Thanks for posting, I understand your frustration, but do not take it out on our admins. They are following rules set in place by rest of the CS, Kirkendall has the right as a high ranking officer to make executive decisions that go against the set rules for dealing with hacking accusations. 2nd Lt. Griswold was correct in his reply, we don't ban for hacking based solely on numbers. Your friction with Catamite hasn't gone unnoticed, which is really the main reason that the MP office is taking your opinion with a grain of salt. Most of these guys either don't know you or don't remember you, so be respectful. You may not think it, but they are trying to help. Be patient while we look it over.
  14. He doesn't have admin anymore, that was an oversight on our part. Ban reduced to 3 days, Reason: abusing admin. A permanent ban isn't necessary. However, Ryu/Fuji - I do need to point out that harassing the admins about banning someone you believe is a hacker doesn't help the situation at all. You were in the unit, you should know how we work. Rather than jump the gun on possible hackers, we get as much evidence as possible to back the ban in case they ever come to argue. Yes, the MP office is taking a bit longer than usual, but that does not permit you to abuse the system.
  15. Oh god no! Those are the two worst options for each category. Norton is a resource hog, I guess if you have a powerful enough computer and you don't mind sacrificing that speed, sure. AVG is an outright virus, it blocks even the simplest non-malicious programs and the only way to remove it is a hacked uninstaller.... but yes, it's free. Paid, I would go with Malwarebytes, free, I would stick to Windows Defender.
  16. How prone are you to viruses? How involved do you want to be in your protection?
  17. Updating the server now, thanks!
  18. Works really well, I have my two small monitors on the old GPU and the the main big monitor on the new one. I was tempted to make the old card the dedicated PhysX controller but I'm not sure how that would affect my multi-monitor setup.
  19. It's the streamer's signature: EatMyDiction1
  20. Next to the old GTX 770:
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