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Yamagata 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Yamagata 1st MRB

  1. No. Just no...
  2. Lame. And this belongs in the slope chute. **MOVED**
  3. Funny that the tetris theme is a Russian folk song called Korobeiniki. Great video!
  4. Sua Sponte Ranger! Our Public Affairs Officer, WO Jones or another one of our liaisons should be in contact with you soon. Thanks for giving us your info, we look forward to furthering relations with your unit.
  5. Took French for 3 years, Japanese for 4 years, and German for a few weeks, not fluent in any of them. I like to think that I know more Japanese than them all, but I think I can remember more French...
  6. I'm A Pilot - Fanfarlo
  7. Wouldn't have guessed from this:
  8. No Bread? Gross.
  9. Mess Hall Rules **Moved**
  10. "Mustard (Yellow, Dijon, German, etc)" I believe 'etc.' covers all the other types mustard. I would have had to made a separate question asking which type of mustard with all the different types that there are... Milled mustard, honey mustard, Chinese spicy mustard, brown mustard, beer mustard, sweet mustard, fruit mustard, dill mustard, garlic mustard, mint mustard, horseradish mustard, Polish mustard, Russian mustard, Irish mustard, I could really go on and on and on... you can mix mustard with just about anything. I can only put 20 choices per question, I had to prioritize. Sheesh!!
  11. Happy Birthday is Happy!
  12. I can change it to be not read-only, that would fix your bug... But it's set up that way for a reason, to prevent people from posting in the CS offices forum area, we want members posting in the offices not in the "lobby." Now quit trolling.
  13. Well that's dumb...
  14. Had to double check, the reason it doesn't change is because it is a read-only archive.
  15. Makes me miss my dog, he died this summer.
  16. Probably because posts are made in the subforums of that forum, it may not effect the "new posts" icon. In addition, if you read the posts, then it will not turn white again until there are new posts, which I believe the command staff offices are one of the most inactive sections on the forums.
  17. Top 5 Favorite Sports 1. Baseball 2. Football 3. Hockey 4. Golf 5. Soccer Top 5 Favorite Sports Teams 1. Seattle Mariners 2. Seattle Seahawks 3. Seattle Sounders 4. Oakland Athletics 5. Oakland Raiders
  18. Reuben Sandwich: Best Sandwich ever.
  19. There ya go, I tried to cover the basics. Let me know if I missed any popular sandwich fillers. Post your favorite combos or any weird sandwiches you eat! You've got multiple choice selections, so if you can't decide on one, or if you just like to stack your sandwich high, you can pick them.
  20. Happy Birthday!
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